PG-13 | 08 March 1985 (USA)
Mask Trailers

A boy with a massive facial skull deformity and his biker gang mother attempt to live as normal a life as possible under the circumstances.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
oOoBarracuda If you need a dose of "take no crap from anyone", then Mask is the film for you! Cher is splendid alongside Eric Stoltz in the story of a boy with a serious facial deformity navigating his way through life, in spite of his appearance, with the constant albeit unusual support of his single mother. Leave your expected notions of a campy 80's movie at the screen; despite the film's 1985 release date, Mask is a beautiful story of self-love and acceptance with director Peter Bogdanovich able to avoid all classically cheesy 80's film clichés. The film's tough talking, pull no punches mother Florence 'Rusty' Dennis (Cher) has a son that she is, from a distance, extremely overprotective of. Roy L.'Rocky' Dennis (Eric Stoltz) was born with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, a sclerotic bone disorder leaving his face badly disfigured. Rocky was able to overcome his disability with a positive disposition and by using his intelligence to his advantage. Using his good sense of humor and positive outlook on life along with his mother's motorcycle companions protecting him, Rocky made friends and was a standout at school for his academic pursuits. Rusty is determined to meet every naysayer with the proof that her son can do anything any other child can do if given the chance; and she will ensure that he is given the chance. Based on a true story of overcoming prejudice and accepting the self, Mask is a beautiful film that would benefit all to see.I had never before seen a film starring Cher, I didn't even know she had acting credits, so watching her in Mask was an interesting surprise. She mastered her role with such grace. She perfectly executed her characterization of the gruff protective mother in such a believable and endearing way that you couldn't even be mad at her for doing drugs or hiring a hooker for her son. Rusty was the only ally Rocky had that had been there with him from the beginning, making Mask a perfect edition to mother month. The Grandfather of the film reminded me of Jack Nance, and I so wish it was him. Being a big fan of David Lynch I wish he was in more things; although I was pleased to see that Laura Dern had a role. This was a good film to see at this point in my life. Still reeling from my recent breakup, I can see the clear distinction in the change of character from before Rocky became interested in love to after he had been afflicted by love. Maybe the purpose of the movie is that a mother's love is the only love you need; somehow, I doubt that's the message but that's what I'll stick to while I continue to nurse this broken heart.
bigtony_2361 I think this movie is a very heart warming one. It tell of the story of Rocky Dennis who suffered from a condition called that makes calcium build on his skull. At first I will admit, it was hard to look at Rocky but as you watch the movie, you see the real person. You see that he had a heart of gold. I also think this movie is one of Cher's best by far. I seen an interview she had done, where she said she went to visit the real Rusty Dennis. The director wanted to make Rusty "family friendly" but Cher said no. She wanted to portray her as close as possible to the real woman. The director was about to not give her the part because of it. I admire the fact that she wanted to portray someone as close as she possibly could. This movie also brings tears to my eyes, every time I watch it and I have seen it several times.
Jackson Booth-Millard If the lead actress was going to win an Oscar, it could have been for this, not Moomnstruck, because I preferred Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction much more. Anyway, this is the true story of Roy L.'Rocky' Dennis (a very convincing Golden Globe nominated Eric Stoltz), who suffered the extremely rare disorder Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia, commonly known as Lionitis due to the disfiguring Cranial Enlargements that it causes. Obviously the story sees his journey through all the things a normal boy of his age would do, except it being with a not completely normal boy. Throughout the film, he collects cards, goes to school and achieves three graduation diplomas for his great skills (another thing that made him different), volunteers to help people in a camp, where he meets his true love Diana Adams (Laura Dern), and much more. His mother Florence 'Rusty' Dennis (Cannes Film Festival winner, and Golden Globe nominated Cher) is one of the problems in his life, she is a no nonsense mother with a drug habit and prostitution that sometimes stops him getting anywhere and can cause arguments, but he is happy when she is tender, protective and hanging out with her true love and good friend, Gar (Sam Elliott). Oh, in the film Rocky suffers many horrible head aches of some kind, and this is probably what killed him in the very sad ending. I didn't see the very ending, but I got the idea of how tragic his death was to his mother. Also starring Estelle Getty as Evelyn, Richard Dysart as Abe, Micole Mercurio as Babe, Harry Carey Jr. as Red, Dennis Burkley as Dozer, Lawrence Monoson as Ben, Ben Piazza as Mr. Simms, L. Craig King as Eric, Alexandra Powers as Lisa and Kelly Jo Minter as Lorrie. I can kind of associate with the story, I have a social problem called Asperger's Syndrome, it may cause problems in my social life and skills, but I do like the fact that in one of my schools, I became a student known by almost everyone in my final year (11), and the film story seems rather similar to mine in places, and it is a very good film. It won the Oscar for Best Makeup, it was nominated the BAFTA for Best Make Up Artist, and it was nominated the Cannes Film Festival Golden Palm award for director Peter Bogdanovich. Very good!
kayehall312 This is the best performance by Cher I have seen. One the best movies by all actors. Very realistic!!! I really don't understand why you need to have ten lines if you just want to make a statement about a movie that you really enjoyed. So here goes...I think the Cramps are a really great band, if you ever go on YouTube check it out. My African Cichlids just a babies we were afraid that the little sucker was going to die, he made it through about three days and he is growing stronger and bigger. My super, smoking, sexy, hot boyfriend made two turkeys today we have yet to eat them....smells good, also mashed potatoes, stuffing with sausage, greens beans, nice rolls and butter and we didn't even need gravy in a can...homemade gravy. Oh, by the way Mask was a great movie and totally recommend it.