The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
G | 06 August 2004 (USA)
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Trailers

Mia Thermopolis is now a college graduate and on her way to Genovia to take up her duties as princess. Her best friend Lilly also joins her for the summer. Mia continues her 'princess lessons'- riding horses side-saddle, archery, and other royal. But her complicated life is turned upside down once again when she not only learns that she is to take the crown as queen earlier than expected...

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Lee Eisenberg I watched the first and second installment in this series back-to-back, and my main interpretation was that it was a little bemusing that the creator of "Happy Days" was directing movies about a well-meaning but awkward teenage girl who becomes a princess. Anyone used to Fonzie's turning on the jukebox just by hitting it would have to find it hard to believe that Garry Marshall directed these.While I usually heckle these kinds of movies like the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" characters do to really crummy movies, I didn't heckle these ones. I'm not tempted to heckle Anne Hathaway, considering that she's proved herself to be more than just another pretty face by playing more serious roles in "Brokeback Mountain", "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Rachel Getting Married".Basically, "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement", like its predecessor, is very predictable. A major thing that I interpreted from it is that it must be weird to have people waiting on you constantly. That's all that I have to say about "TPD2:RE".
TheLittleSongbird The sequel to a quite charming predecessor, isn't too bad, but like the predecessor it does have a number of failings that let the film down considerably. I will say that there are some lovely locations, a nice soundtrack and very spirited performances from Anne Hathaway as Mia and Julie Andrews as Clarisse. Another big treat was hearing Andrews sing at the pyjama party. Even seven years of not being able to sing at all, her voice is not too bad, even if it lacks the angelic quality that made her so memorable in Mary Poppins and Sound of Music. However, had he had some better material to work with, John Rhys Davies could have been really entertaining. Because that wasn't to be, he was merely good, as we didn't learn very much from his character. Other failings include a rather contrived plot- then again the predecessor wasn't entirely successful at that either-, an underdeveloped romance and some uneven scripting. Overall, not bad at all, but could have been better. 6/10 Bethany Cox.
CKCSWHFFAN I enjoy both of the films. I 1st watched them simply to see Julie's performance. The film is cute but flawed, NOT near perfect. Some scenes work, others drive you crazy on how cheesy they are.After the surgery that hurt Julie's ability to sing the chance to see her sing in the film Disney HAD TO RUIN TO ADD THAT RAVEN GIRL IN THE SONG JUST BECAUSE SHE HAD A SHOW ON THE Disney CHANNEL AT THE TIME. JULIE SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN A SONG SHE COULD DO ON HER OWN. Do we need to point out Julie's Disney history? Her 1st film "Mary Poppins" won her the Oscar. The soundtrack won an Oscar & Julie sang several memorable songs. Did Disney forget this? I did NOT like Larry Miller's character in either film Hector Elizondo was good as Joe in both filmsGood, not outstanding, extras on the DVD.Songs in the film did NOTHING for me.REVIEW FOR DVD
Kristine I just recently viewed The Princess Diaries and over all liked it pretty much, so I figured I would see the sequel. I rented it yesterday and watched it this morning and it seemed to me like it was the same plot as before only with a couple different elements. The film also felt very rushed in some aspects, some of the plots or characters that took place seemed to come and go. Although I'm still not sure since I haven't read the books, but the movie itself was just predictable and a bit too silly at times, it just seemed like it could insult the audience it was aimed at.Mia has graduated college and is off to Genovia to become queen and her grandmother, Clarrise is about to give up her title. But Genovia law is that before Mia is to become queen she must marry someone. She is falling for a young man, Nicolas, but he is also up for the throne as king, so his uncle is trying to set Mia up where she will loose her crown before she could even have it. Mia has to decide wither to go with her heart and let herself love Nicolas or have her duty for her country and marry for Genovia.The Princess Diaries 2 has some cute and funny moments, I won't lie, I did laugh a little bit, but over all I have to say that it just could have been more, you know? The actors didn't seem to click as well as they did in the first film. Not to mention how quickly the character Michael went away and Lily just was there for 5 minutes to make like a semi quick cameo and just be out of the story. If you want too, feel free to watch this movie, it's harmless, but it's not a great movie if you're looking for one.4/10
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