Tea with Mussolini
Tea with Mussolini
PG | 13 May 1999 (USA)
Tea with Mussolini Trailers

In 1930s fascist Italy, adolescent Luca just lost his mother. His father, a callous businessman, sends him to be taken care of by British expatriate Mary Wallace. Mary and her cultured friends - including artist Arabella, young widow Elsa, and archaeologist Georgie - keep a watchful eye over the boy. But the women's cultivated lives take a dramatic turn when Allied forces declare war on Mussolini.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
wilson-strutte Well worth seeing. Fabulous acting by all and a completely different slant on World War 2. It is very British but bear in mind that this is actually what happened to Zefferelli, as a boy, who Directed the film (Luca in the film). Superb photography throughout as would be expected from him. Totally absorbing. Do not hesitate in watching this film. It is not a comedy, although there are some amusing lines, but a serious view of events in Italy during the war. The English actresses are superb with no-one grabbing the film. Cher is a total surprise and very good as is Lily Tomlin. The sound is not perfect but everything else is.
cogitoergosum-1 I wish I could give this movie a "10" but I can't. I'm not exactly sure why but to me, it's a solid "9".The characters in this movie are engrossing and distinctively human. One cannot help but fall in love with the Scorpioni and their individual quirks.Cher, as usual adds her own distinctive flair to the mix and I cannot envision any other actress playing her role. She was perfect.There are so many aspects to this movie to enjoy. So many emotions. Joy, pain, sorrow, love, hope, reconciliation, admiration, pride, selflessness...so many.It's a great movie worth watching. Enjoy.
donteatyellowsnow-2 This film, I feel, is amazing. It combines a violent historical period with comedy, without offending anyone, which is a very admirable trait. The perfectly acted characters were both funny and very believable; very English 1930's or so old woman.The plot was interesting and a well written film overall. The cross-dressing son a humorous side-story to the dominant "imprisonment" of the ladies, and the situation with Else (Cher) and Luca. Still, these different story lines merged seamlessly to provide a varied and fascinating story throughout.Overall, a fantastic film.
Syrchek Tea with Mussolini is a story about several women from England that live in Florence during the prewar era of the 1930's. At this point the story focuses on a young boy named Luca who is abandoned by his only parent, a careless and inconsiderate father and is now an orphan. He is taken into custody by one of the English women, Ms. Wallace. Later the boy is sent to school in Austria which was provided by a close friend of his deceased mother, a wealthy American, Elsa Morganthal. During that time the general atmosphere is getting more and more intense and insecure. Specifically for these women for whom it is no longer safe to dwell in Italy, for they become so-called 'enemy aliens'. The story is quite diverse and it never becomes too messed up. Most of the characters are represented in a fair amount of time. Despite the unkind environment, the only grumbler here turns out to be one of the English women, Lady Hester Random. The one that had tea with Mussolini. It is funny how the film is titled, because the tea part is the least important event in the movie. What seems important here is how these women will get around their disagreements. The war really isn't that important because nobody actually loses anything that would have great value. No, they actually gain a few things, reunite and widen their friendships. What I like about the film is the smooth narrative style, which isn't the least gushy. Nothing special but it evolves the characters in a surprisingly even tempo.But the movie just isn't centered on something specific. You feel as if there isn't even a central character in the story. First I thought the main character would be Luca or Ms. Wallace. The movie isn't even that strong in describing the wartime atmosphere. The best part of it is the optimistic and kind look on life that these women seem to have. It's not one of the best dramas, nor comedies and certainly not war films, but it's worth a look....... 3/5 ......