The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden
G | 13 August 1993 (USA)
The Secret Garden Trailers

A young British girl born and reared in India loses her neglectful parents in an earthquake. She is returned to England to live at her uncle's castle. Her uncle is very distant due to the loss of his wife ten years before. Neglected once again, she begins exploring the estate and discovers a garden that has been locked and forgotten. Aided by one of the servants' boys, she begins restoring the garden, and eventually discovers some other secrets of the manor.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
scooterpie-17461 I am a seventh-grade teacher, and every year I use this film to teach basic film analysis. The students watch for lighting, camera angles, music, special effects, plot, costumes, and shots. Every year I think about using a different film, but the reaction I get from my students every year reassures me that this film is still relevant and a classic! They love it. I would highly recommend this film for children grades 4 - 7. Very suitable, and it has wonderful themes.
JLRVancouver This version of the classic children's book is truer to the story than the 1949 version starring Margaret O'Brien. Some liberties have been taken to shorten the period when Mary is the only child (or so she thinks) in the old manor, which helps the pace of the film (and avoids it starting to look too much like a ghost story to the uninitiated). The three child leads are excellent (and better matched to the characters' ages than the '49 cast) as is the adult supporting cast. I would have liked to hear more "Yorkshire" in the adult's voices (much emphasised in the book) but that might have required subtitles. The only part of the film that I felt was weak was the 'magic' ceremony with the torches, during which Colin 'summons' back his father. The whole scene seemed out of place and inconsistent with the children's backgrounds and earlier behaviours. The script writer should have stayed with the much subtler magic of love and longing - the core message, along with spring and rebirth, of the book.
gavin6942 After losing her self-indulging parents in an earthquake, a bitter young girl named Mary Lennox is sent to live in England with her reclusive uncle.Some have said his film seems like a precursor or inspiration for Harry Potter. Along with "Troll", I can definitely see it. Of course, the two are wildly different, but there are some aspects of it being (British) children in a mystical environment. One cannot help but notice the appearance of Maggie Smith.While I was not as crazy about this movie as some people are, it definitely has charm and I can see it being really fun for kids.
Nick Lebrun I watched The Secret Garden as an 8 year old kid and then watched it in college one night. I loved it as a young kid and was surprised by how much I appreciated it ten years later. The story highlights the troubles and constraints faced by Mary Lennox, Colin Craven, and Lord Craven and how the garden helps break those constraints and fix the emotional and physical issues going on with the characters. The meaning can be interpreted in various ways but the meaning that stood out to me was that a child's undying curiosity and eagerness for adventure can have such a significant impact. It is certainly one of my favorite movies and has a great soundtrack as well. 10/10