Glorious 39
Glorious 39
R | 20 November 2009 (USA)
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A mysterious tale set around a traditional British family on the eve of World War Two. Oblivious to the looming shadow of World War II, the wealthy Keyes maintain a confident façade in the British countryside until daughter Anne becomes an unexpected pawn. Her accidental discovery of secret recordings creates a rift in the family.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
greisingel There are moments of good acting because the cast is able. Northam is sinister (again), Nighy rather unconvincing as the patriarch, they are all too mechanically paranoiacal. The brother and sister both daftly chipper and unpleasant. That boy Walter is like some sort of Stephen King fall out. The plot is unsound. The idea of British aristocrats teeing up Nazi Danegeld inspires only incredulity. Especially when we are given so little of the meat of the deal. The announcement of war dispenses with any need to continue negotiations yet the story drags on and then follows a familial nuance. It's topped off by a slightly bemusing ending in which it turns out Ann is still alive, trundling up in her wheelchair to greet oddball Walter and Oliver.
rogerdarlington I first came across the captivating young British actress Romola Garai in the 2004 movie "Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights". Since then, most of her work has been for television, but she was back on the large screen in the 2009 film "Glorious 39". The '39' refers to 1939 when Britain was on the edge of war with Germany. 'Glorious' relates to both the nature of that year's summer and the affectionate name for Garai's character Anne, the adopted daughter of the aristocratic Keyes family which is headed by an influential Conservative Member of Parliament who is appalled by the notion of the country going to war for the second time in only a couple of decades.Written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff as a kind of Hitchcockian thriller, this is a work replete with well-known British character actors spanning the age range from Christopher Lee & Julie Christie through Bill Nighy & Jeremy Northam to David Tennant & Eddie Redmayne. With so much talent available, one has a right to expect more than is actually delivered. The plotting is rather silly and often slow and the characterisation somewhat stilted, while the ending is most unsatisfactory. The locations - mostly in Norfolk - are fine though.
michael-dixon22 Plot very thin at best and full of holes at worst. OK acting apart from Bill Nighy who irritated, though to be fair his script was unhelpful and repetitive.In that period a film about Britain, with the appeasement of many of the upper classes prevalent, should have lent itself to a much better effort than this.The scene near the end at the vets out in the sticks was truly bizarre, when poor old Lawrence was found in a bag.A poor man's,(or woman's), 39 steps.Now that was glorious.
LCShackley As others have mentioned, this film begins as a Hitchcockian thriller, in which an innocent party becomes privy to information that powerful people would rather keep quiet. (Surprisingly, unlike most British political thrillers, the villains are pacifist lefties.) The writer/director builds the suspense by keeping us in the dark about who the bad guys are, and putting the main character in more and more peril. But the plot gets tiresome when we start getting red herrings about whether the main character is telling the truth or hallucinating; and the denouement is unfulfilling and not slightly illogical. I was REALLY enjoying this film until it started to unravel about 3/4 through.