Lesbian Vampire Killers
Lesbian Vampire Killers
R | 16 March 2009 (USA)
Lesbian Vampire Killers Trailers

With their women having been enslaved by a pack of lesbian vampires, the remaining menfolk of a rural town send two hapless young lads out onto the moors as a sacrifice.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Micransix Crappy film
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Prismark10 Although slaughtered by the critics who bled the film dry. Lesbian Vampire Killers is an unpretentious comedy B film that pokes fun of the horror genre especially the campy lady vampiress ones.When Jimmy (Mathew Horne)is again dumped by his girlfriend, he and his best mate Fletch (James Corden) go on a hiking holiday in the country. At the local village they are directed to a cottage where there is free lodgings. The house also happens to have a camper van full of girls staying in the house as well.However in this small village, all girls that turn 18 become lesbian vampires, thanks to a curse from the lesbian vampire queen. Inevitably Jimmy and Fletch excitement to spend time with the hot girls is soon curtailed as they are turning into vampires and under attack.This is a post modern wind up which featured the then popular television duo of Corden and Horne. Their participation ensured enough of a budget for better production values and special effects which actually goes toe to toe with more expensive Hollywood horror films. Some of the humour is infantile but it will raise a laugh here and there. There is some sassiness with the girls and blood is replaced by white goop. Its fun enough and the movie does not outstay its welcome.
slightlymad22 OK it's not the greatest movie, but it is nowhere near as bas as the reviews made out.....Hell nothing could be THAT bad!! Plot In A Paragraph: Their women having been enslaved by the local pack of lesbian vampires thanks to an ancient curse, the remaining menfolk of a rural town send two hapless young lads (James Corden and Matthew Horne) out onto the moors as a sacrifice.I don't understand what some people were expecting going to see a movie called "Lesbian Vampire Killers". You know you ain't getting high drama. You are getting Lesbian vampires and killing, and this movie had all of them. Corden and Horne were funny, the women were attractive (especially Emer Kenny as Rebecca) and there were some laughs were to be had too.
Quebec_Dragon Beyond the obviously ridiculous title, this little British b-movie is quite above the norm. It's first and foremost a comedy with some horror elements. It has been compared to Shaun of the Dead because it's a British horror comedy yet also a buddy movie. Although Lesbian Vampire Killers (LBK) is not as good, clever or critical of society, it remains quite entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised and had a very good time watching it. LBK seems to mix in a Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) style of directing (alternating sped up fragments of actions and slow-motion) with "Heroes"-like captions and comic book like transitions. I found this quite dynamic and visually appealing. You don't usually notice lighting but in this one I did and found it very well done, atmospheric and at times inspired. Same thing for the musical score where it was even appropriately epic sometimes. I'm difficult yet found the script and situations more amusing than not.The director knows his genre trappings. Sometimes, he revels in the clichés (funny though), sometimes he subverts them. The dialogue although not the cleverest out there was fine and did the job. I was disappointed that the very well introduced "country" girls vanished so quickly from the movie (except one), yet their respective exits were surprising and funny. I liked the hapless buddies/reluctant heroes, especially the big guy who was juvenile-minded yet comically egotistical and self-conscious. His performance seemed a bit forced sometimes though (witness his laugh in the grave). The stand-out for me though was the vicar who had the required gravitas, perfect diction and an impressive presence. Of course, one should not forget the lesbian vampires who looked and acted the part although none were really developed psychologically... A few french kisses, a couple of breasts (in the flashbacks mostly), lots of diaphanous dresses but nothing extreme or even soft-core (fortunately or not depending on your tastes :). As for gore, it's mostly white goop instead of red blood and played for (slightly) disgusting comical effect. LBK is the perfect b-movie to rent and watch with a couple of like-minded friends. It delivers everything the title promises and more. The production values and directing are also better than you might expect from such a low-budget film.Rating: 7.5 out of 10 (Very good)
callanvass (Credit IMDb) Centuries ago, Baron Wolfgang MacLaren vanquished the Vampire Queen Carmilla in the remote Cragwich; however, before decapitating the evil vampire, she curses the locals and descendants of the baron, swearing that every woman would turn into a lesbian vampire on the eighteenth birthday. On the present days, the clumsy and naive cuckold Jimmy is dumped again by his girlfriend Judy and misses her. His best friend Fletch is fired in his job of clown after hitting an annoying boy. The two friends are broken and decide to camp in the countryside to forget their problems, and Jimmy throws a dart in a map in a pub to decide where they should go. They head to Cragwich and when they arrive in the bar Baron's Rest, they see four hot girls leaving the place in a Kombi. The innkeeper offers the old Mircalla cottage in the woods for them, the same place the girls will lodge. Meanwhile, Lotte, Heide,...I rented this out of pure curiosity, due to the titling itself. I really didn't expect much for a film of this nature, and I pretty much got what I bargained for. It's nothing downright horrible, but nothing overly amusing either. It tries so hard to follow in the vain of Shaun of the Dead, but it doesn't have the laughs or the talent to accomplish that feat. The characters themselves aren't very intriguing, and it really only gained steam for me in the final 35 minutes or so. Bottom line. Mediocre sums up the word for this movie perfectly. Don't remember much about it, don't really care too. Worth a look I guess, but it's vastly forgettable.4 ½ /10