The Final
The Final
R | 28 January 2010 (USA)
The Final Trailers

A group of high school outcasts get revenge on the students that torment them.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
adonis98-743-186503 A group of high school outcasts get revenge on the students that torment them. The Final was made with good intentions and with a message about people who get bullied and how their life changes all the sudden and even tho it's not your typical slasher flick the violence seemed to be toned a bit as the movie progress, the message never seems to hit the direction it wants and people mostly killed themselves rather than the victims plus the perfomances and the characters were terrible and even boring for most of the time. Overall 'The Final' is a waste of time and potential since the subject that it touches never seems to get off the ground. (0/10)
The Couchpotatoes There is not much to say about The Final. It's a movie with a theme that we already saw a dozen of times. Kids that get bullied take revenge. Saw it all before, and will probably see it again in the future. The torture parts are the best part of the movie even though they are not too explicit. The acting is just above average but nothing great either. It could all have been much better if they would have done more special effects and better sound effects. There is no suspense at all or almost not. You can see the things that are going to come from miles away. It's not that I regret watching this movie. It's just that it all has been done before, and even better. But worse also. No big deal.
spoken You know, if kids in fifth and sixth grades are doing drugs and sex then I think this movie should be required watching under "Walk a Mile in Another's Shoes" class.I'm a boomer who's let go of some ideological standards such as "violence begets violence" simply due to the real-life situations we all witness every day, either personally or by way of the media. If you're aware of the school massacres, postal rampages and D.C. sniper(s?), etc, then you know about the personalities which can be pushed right over the edge. I think shoving something like this down the throats of young people might just be the fastest way to increase bully-awareness in the bullies, themselves.One thing I missed in this telling was the fact that bullies often come from bullies. They need to exert power over others as power has been exerted over them, and it seems as though no one cares about breaking those cycles. So when parents of bullies get called to the school maybe they should be forced to watch this, too.Anyway, I felt conflicted when the revenge was a bit overboard; one minute I'm cheering them on and the next I'm not liking them at all. And the bit with the reporter at the end was either an analogy for the way parents and coworkers, etc act innocent and shocked or it was a stupid piece of writing. Either way, I thought it inappropriately placed within this movie; the subject of denial should get its own flick.So watch and enjoy, cringe, think, whatever. As for me I plan to have this available for my granddaughter ...
Ben Larson Bullies are in every school in America, not matter what they seem to do to end it. It is the nature of kids to one-up each other. There are many who have such a problem with their self-esteem that they must take it out on others to feel good.We are not distracted here by "name" actors. All are from TV shows that I have heard of, but never watched. They won't be on any Emmy list.So much the better, as we can focus on the story.It is a shame that these kids experienced so much pain that they were driven to do what they did. You could feel that pain, and you knew it was going to end badly.What you didn't know was that it was all for naught, as their pain went unrecognized.And, so it continues.