R | 13 May 2005 (USA)
Boo Trailers

The friends Emmett, Freddy, Marie, Kevin and his reluctant girlfriend Jessie decide to spend the Halloween night in an abandoned hospital. Meanwhile, the younger Allan meets the old friend of his father Arlo Ray Baines and asks him to help to find his vanished sister Meg in the same spot. The two groups meet each other in the mental institution section on the haunted third floor.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
glennspillman I can't believe I am being forced to write 10 sentences about this awful piece of crap movie! I seriously would like to know what in the heck the "casting director" was thinking when they cast these "actors" for this film. Now, I am not one to slam another artist, but there is bad acting, then there is just absolutely horrible acting. This production company must have paid these actors in peanuts, because if they got paid, well, then someone got robbed! Now let's move onto the director of this train wreck of a movie. What alternate universe was this person on to think that this was a good movie? I mean, you take a look at a scene or scenes during dailies, and they thought, "oh yeah, this is some good stuff?" The story actually had some potential, but it needed to be tweaked a little. They could have really gored it up on a very cheap budget, but instead, they made it look cheap and like they weren't even trying. I could hardly even watch it because I was tortured by all of the ammeter stuff going on. Some of the scenarios in the movie were even more ridiculous than the acting, if you can believe that. I watch at least two movies a day, and I watch them all the way through, but this one was more torture than most.
fire-58 This is a bad movie. I even have a appreciation for low budget movies i really do, i have seen a whole bunch.The speed of this movie is very very slow in the start. Then just lags on and on.The funny thing about this movie is the quality of the film as in "filming process" in not bad at all. This movie looks like a real movie. That is why im so surprised that the story and the actors we not better.I have never gave a movie a 1 on here before. But i had to on this movie because there are a million reasons why this movie could have been better but it was not due to things that were very fixable. Don't even bother.
kali90210 ...but should have been better still.It might be unfair to do this but given the fact that the director worked at fangoria I expected something a bit more ground breaking. and the acting...oy vey.Making a movie is hard and the results do not always reflect the talent and drive of the filmmakers. That said, the film is technically solid and had the script and actors managed to make one care whether the characters lived or died it might have been a winner.Some good location work doesn't hide the fact that the only thing that livens up the pace is when another dull character gets offed. Dee Wallace Stone shows up briefly and one can only wish she'd been the major focus of the film but I suppose it's a hard and fast rule that all characters in horror movies must be teenagers.
trashgang This is one of those movies that was broken down by the reviewers all around the world. Is it all that bad? Well, it's never scary it's what I call one for the kids. The movie goes on and on but still the scary part never came in, the ghost story wasn't believable at all and it is that part that makes this movie not that good after all. That a ghost possesses some one that we can take but that it appears and disappears just like that was a bit too far to be taken by the viewers. There is blood in it but it doesn't flow how it should be. When the ghosts are shot down they explode, still there it isn't scary. The best part are the first minutes of the movie with the pumpkinhead. There are better movies out there possessed by ghosts. A shame, it could have been done much better. And due the lack of nudity I really recommend it to watch it as a starter for the real stuff.