R | 20 June 2011 (USA)
Bunnyman Trailers

Bunnyman is the story of a group of friends on their way back from a spontaneous weekend trip to Las Vegas, and while driving through the remote regions of southern California they suddenly find themselves in a sickening game of cat and mouse with a five ton dumptruck and, when looking for help, stumble upon a nightmarish family who takes pleasure in dismembering and eating as many of the kids as possible.

Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Michael Ledo This is rather confusing. They took the initial film BUNNYMAN and renamed it BUNNYMAN MASSACRE. They also named the sequel BUNNYMAN MASSACRE. It is possible to own the original film and the sequel with the same identical title. I have seen them both. I believe the sequel to be the far superior film.In the original tale a dysfunctional cannibal family with a chainsaw and truck eat people who annoy them, and some who don't. Three young adult couples driving through the area etc. etc. etc.Guide: F-bomb. No nudity. Forced dry humping.
ahmid ***SPOILER ALERT***Bunnyman is a fun low budget action film from Southern California. Right from the first shot, you know that you're in for something different. Bunnyman takes the advantage of the Exploitation genre to its fullest, and creates something truly different. Although far from perfect, this is an entertaining movie that is sure to appeal to fans of Exploitation cinema. The film has overtones of surrealism and b-movie horror, but it isn't a total horror film, there is humor throughout. The strength of the Movie lies in its concept and action, and it is not a film that will be soaked out for its acting, as it is often ridiculous. If you're looking for mindless action fun, then this is the film to watch. Exploitation films are always exciting to watch because they tend to be quite different from big budget films, and most of the time they tend to have more interesting ideas at play as well. The film has bizarre humor in it's dialogue, and the film has a certain look to the film. The characters are insane, eccentric and unique and add to the enjoyment of the film. The film is far from perfect, but it definitely is one entertaining ride from start to finish. This is one of the more original films of the "giant killer bunny" sub-genre, and it is a must see for midnight film fans that enjoy tongue in cheek horror films that are over the top in terms of concept. Bunnyman is one of the better obscured cult hits that deliver some awesome entertainment that you won't soon forget.
stdly2000 I saw the ratings and reviews for this movie but I enjoy allot of badly rated movies it is a bit of a joke with my wife, kids and family but this movie is the worst movie I have ever seen. I find it hard to believe it made it to film who wrote this piece of crap how you would even edit it. No plot, no script, bad editing bad acting? A man dressed like a bunny and kills with a chainsaw I finally got the bunny suit part after he took off the bunny head. He does have sidekicks some hunch back monkey boy with welding goggles on and of course a bitchy sister with a beauty complex? The victims are so stupid and do the dumbest things I have ever seen I guess none of them have ever watched a bad horror movie before. I was pulling for the Bunnyman to get them all just because they all deserved to die just for being idiots. I am sad to say I watched this piece of crap to the end and I am still not sure why, maybe I was hoping EVERYONE in the movie would die some how before the end? That's 82 minutes of my life I can never get back too bad!
Rich Wright Some films defy belief.There are six friends traveling down a far-off road. Don't bother trying to get to know them... the script doesn't. They're three boys and three girls, and they're all as dumb as posts. A lorry driven by a guy in a bunny costume tries to run them off the road, and the first half an hour consists of them being rammed, overtaken and beeped at. Duel, it ain't.Then, when the six idiots get a flat tyre, the truck collides with them again... this time fatally, for the poor sucker underneath the vehicle. Being the imbeciles they are, not ONE of them has a mobile phone.... so they start walking. 15 more minutes of filler elapse, including an encounter with the most repellent redneck of all time (who we never see again).When they get back, they see a woman and a bloke who are picking up the cadaver of their mate. Being the fools they are, not ONE of them notices. After some initial verbal sparring, the woman offers to give them a lift... IF they wait in a nearby abandoned cabin for 20 minutes. What could possibly go wrong? A lot actually, turns out the lady is in cahoots with the deranged rabbit (SHOCK, HORROR) and when they eventually get to the cabin (after spending the night outdoors, WHY??) the costumed freak turns up with his chainsaw to turn one of their number into guacamole.Now at this point, I must pause to inform you that even by the brain-dead standards of slasher movie victims, the people here demonstrate new levels of stupidity. TWICE, the killer drops his chainsaw right in front of you, so what's your next action? Chop him up, thus saving you and your friend's sorry hides? Or run away, leaving him free to retrieve his weapon and stalk you some more? And when fleeing IS the best option, you stand there screaming your head with your arms flailing in the air... ready to be filleted. Not to worry, though... your friends won't mourn your death. In fact, the 'close knit group' in this film treats each murder as if it was no more inconvenient than a flea bite.No, they're saving all their BIG ACTING MUSCLES for the scenes where they're tied up, ready to be tortured by the Bunnyman and his gimp sidekick. And if they were trying to make these 'horrifying' moments as hilarious as possible in their hamminess, I would say: give them the Oscar now. But Alas, I fear the reverse is true... so while they put me in hysterics, awarding marks for something so unintentional would be patently dishonest.And if you think events have been bad up till now, wait til' you see how the survivors get out of this little pickle. It is, literally and in concept, the most stupid plan ever... and yet it WORKS. I've never seen anything like it. I've insulted the main six's intelligence plenty, but compared to Mr Rabbit's actions in letting them escape, it makes them resemble modern day Einsteins.And as our loving couple swan off into the sunset, the girl turns to the boy and says "We're going to need some serious therapy after this".Film... are you mocking me? 0/10