Anger of the Dead
Anger of the Dead
| 13 March 2015 (USA)
Anger of the Dead Trailers

In a world ravaged by a rabies virus that turns people into hungry cannibals, Alice a pregnant survivor, along with two other men, struggles to reach an island unaffected by the plague. Meanwhile a dangerous man is on the trail of a mysterious girl, and Alice soon discovers that zombies are not the only threat.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
David Roggenkamp First upon viewing this movie it looked to me to be another bad British horror film. It comes close, but not quite. From what I remember it involves a mass evacuation, a woman involved and then captured and finally released from a lab, a mercenary of sorts that turns on one of his own for disloyalty, and then a couple and a man that are escaping into the country side. Of the latter, a scene plays out where a man must choose to shoot his wife - a revolver is given to him to finish the job. This scene seemed a bit redundant for what was already bad - as if it add more cynicism to an otherwise stoic plot with angry, bitchy, bitter characters that must remain stubborn in willing to survive. I will apologize for saying it like it is a bad thing; but watching enough of these films leads me to believe this one will be nothing new and will play out the same. I stopped watching about halfway through and reclaimed about forty-five minutes that I would have lost otherwise.I do not recommend this film.Originally posted to Orion Age (
matthewsowards i turned it off because it showed a screaming girls breast on a table this made me and my wife very angry we also tried to look up a rating and nothing could be found at all i would not watch this movie with your kids we thought it would be something like the walking dead its not we only got a few mins into the movie before we see in your face breast without warning this makes us sick i hope their not letting kids into this movie i would sue the tar out of someone for exposing my kids to this trash i hope people get as angry as we are so they will start at least informing people of a movies content before throwing stuff they don"t want to be a part of in their face
Paul Magne Haakonsen Anything that even remotely reeks of zombie, pardon the pun, catches my interest. However, unfortunately, the zombie genre is flooded with countless less than mediocre or low budget attempts. "Age of the Dead" (aka "Anger of the Dead") was no exception.This movie is unfathomably slow paced and has very little of any interest to offer a genre drowning in sub par additions. Truth be told, it was a struggle to stick with "Age of the Dead" to the end.The storyline is not particularly appealing and doesn't really throw anything to lure in the audience."Age of the Dead" committed the two atrocities in the genre; fast, agile and running zombies, and the Classic error of doing zombie make-up on the face but forgetting about the rest of the body. And when I first saw a female zombie with fairly impressive zombie make-up on the face, but with smooth, non-decayed skin on the arms and shoulders I was just ready to give up on the movie.The characters in the movie were as about as detailed as a blank sheet of paper. There was no background story, no character development or anything else of any noteworthy thing to make the characters feel real."Age of the Dead" failed to impress or leave a lasting impression in any way that hasn't already been failed in other similar low budget movies, and it is not really a movie that you just got to own in your zombie movie collection. There are so many better zombie movies available.
amesmonde In a world ravaged by a virus that turns people into cannibals, survivors endeavour to reach an island, however, it's not just the zombies that are a threat. Right from the opening where a little girl gets eaten you know it's not going to be a fluffy DTV addition to the genre. Writer/Director Francesco Picone's offering looks bigger than it is with real locations, lots of gore and a steady pace. Zombie completists au fait with Eaters (2011), Apocalypse Z (2013) aka "Zombie Massacre" and Zombie Massacre 2: Reich of the Dead (2015) will be familiar with the makeup style and saturated look that the talented (and friendly) Luca Boni and Marco Ristori have delivered in the past. Here they hang up their directing hats and don producer roles (along with Uwe Boll who incidentally has very little involvement, House of the Dead - this is not). Picone takes up the reins and delivers similar aesthetics to Boni and Ristori. Jokes aside I tip my hat to Boll and company who appear to be single handily reviving the Italian zombie scene with another sub-genre addition. However, Picone's film is more refined, it's void of comedy, the make up is more realistic and the script along with the acting are better.The blood, bite wounds, severed limbs are effective. After the strong opening it then jumps four months after the outbreak with a road trip story that includes a pregnant woman Alice played memorably by Roberta Sparta. It has emotion and some tension between her and Peter as they are chased down by the sound attracted fast moving infected. The characters have to make hard choices along the way. Both Désirée Giorgetti as the Prisoner and Aaron Stielstra as Rooker are notable, their story is hard hitting at times with a nasty female abuse subplot reminiscent of Joe Chien's Zombie 108's (2012). However, when the story follows Alice and Peter and the zombies are in the forefront it works much better. The acting, make up effects and camera work is solid enough, and even though all the players appear to be named after characters or actors synonymous with the zombie genre it's not a Syfy channel production. Also refreshing its not set in the USA, the locations are quite interesting and to Picone's credit it benefits from a nihilistic down beat ending. Anger of the Dead (A.K.A Age of the Dead) is worth viewing especially if you liked the aforementioned films, that said Picone's offering is appreciatively far more serious and debatably superior due to it's darker tone.