Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby
Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby
R | 13 May 2000 (USA)
Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby Trailers

A twisted teenage prostitute and an equally deranged vicious killer manage to escape from the pen and embark on a non-stop orgy of violence and debauchery, all while hoping to make it across the border into Mexico in order to seek refuge with the mysterious Sister Gomez.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
horrorflicklover I think this still qualifies as the worst movie I've ever seen. It's not just bad, it's despicable. The sheer fact that it was made is absolutely despicable. Disgusting.Now, I'm sure some folks who liked this movie will attempt to defend it by saying that it's "dark humor" and isn't meant to be taken seriously. No, attempting to call something "dark humor" doesn't excuse it as being a gigantic pile of ****. This movie is an insult to dark humor. I like dark humor just as much as the next person (check out the first two Sleepaway Camp films). That doesn't mean I'm going to fawn over every ridiculous movie that comes down the pike.I can't think of another script which manages to insult it's audience quite as much as this one does. I know that B-movies are lacking in quality in a lot of areas (but CAN still be good). This movie however, takes the cake. It's not even that I hated it so much as I was watching it. But after letting it sink in, I sat back and thought to myself "wtf was that?" To be clear, it's not the premise that's the problem. It's simply a remake of a Hantzel & Gretel type-story. It's how it's conceived, and of course, how it's executed which makes it so terrible.Maybe I shouldn't hate it so much. Maybe I should see it for what it is....Nah. There's dark comedies, there's good, twisted movies out there. This is a steaming pile of ****. Plain and simple. I hate this movie. I hate everything about it. A few naked bodies and maybe even a funny scene or two doesn't make it any less insufferable. If there's one good thing I'll say about it it's that it kept me watching. I wanted to see what would happen next. It was just bizarre enough to have that effect. God knows why, though. As the scenes just seemed to get more and more ridiculous and over the top. Why, oh why didn't I just stop?Awful movie. The worst movie I've ever seen (although to be fair, I haven't seen "Titanic: The Legend Lives On"). I could see how it could have been good. After all, the consensus is that the first Freeway (which was in the same vein) was actually pretty good (I haven't seen it). However, whatever this film tried to capture from the first, it did not. I think I've just about covered it. Terrible film.
Falconeer Being a fan of the first "Freeway" with Reese Witherspoon, I wanted to check this out. Upon first viewing, I just wasn't sure. 'Trickbaby' is not a pretty film, and it took a while to adapt, but on second viewing, after the shock wore off, I could thoroughly enjoy "Confessions of A Trickbaby." Lyonne is f_ck%ng hilarious here, her performance is fearless; she is not afraid to be seen vomiting, or shoving food into her mouth, or to be just totally 'busted' on camera. This is the first thing I have seen her in and I am an instant fan. What a performance! Though the film is sleazy and ugly at times, I found myself sympathizing with Lyonnes character, 'White Girl/Crystal'. Her life has obviously been rough, and it has made her a tough, angry girl. She is thrown into prison, where she meets 'Cyclona', another girl whose life has been a rough road. A victim of all kinds of sick abuse, she is an insane serial killer who has visions of one 'Sister Gomez', Gallo's character, who she believes is the answer to all her problems. When the girls find 'Sister Gomez' they discover that this is not the case, in one of the most twisted and perverse endings i have seen in cinema. Technically, this is not as professionally-made as "Freeway", perhaps because it didn't have the financial backing of Oliver Stone. It is hard to imagine, but this cranks up the sleaze level compared to Freeway, which was a fairly twisted film. 'Trickbaby' is a lot darker than that first film, and deals with some more uncomfortable themes, and it is clearly not for all tastes. This is the kind of film that seems to get better after every viewing. I imagine that some day, this might become one of my favorites. I recommend "Confessions" to fans of "bad girl" cinema, and to those who are just tired of all the mainstream garbage coming out of Hollywood these days.
stefanlockdown to give you an idea of exactly how over the top this movie is heres some of the key elements present:bulimia/vomiting lesbianism amputees necrophilia serial murder transvestitism child abuse/torture cannibalism prostitution drugs (crack, huffing paint, drinking in the shower)if you like that sort of thing i can practically guarantee this will become one of your favorite movies ever. Natasha lyonne gives easily her best, funniest performance and any fan of her work should stop at nothing to seek this out (although its not easy). same for Vincent gallo. Matthew brite is a sick genius and this is the most perverse, depraved, funny and entertaining film in his catalog.
heywood100 The sequel to Freeway continues the theme of incredibly Grimm fairytales and manages to be even more depraved than the original. It follows the story of a latter day Hansel & Gretel, except that in this case one is a bulimic white trash drug dealer and the other is a homeopathic mexican girl and they escape from the juvenile prison they're in to go on a killing spree. The script actually seems to forget about that whole breadcrumbs business from the original and has to tack it on as an afterthought, but apart from that it's reasonably faithful to the original.The real fun begins when they make it to Mexico and shack up with Sister Gomez, a transexual nun played by Vincent Gallo. Yes, you did read that right. Yes, it is as weird as it sounds. And then it turns out that she/he is running a depraved child porn operation from his/her torture dungeon. So actually, it's probably not all that faithful to the original. Overall, this isn't anywhere near as good as the first film in the series, in part because no-one here has quite the same presence as Reese Witherspoon did. If you've seen the first Freeway then let that be your guide as to whether you'd like this. If you haven't seen it then try this one, if only to test how far your limits of bad taste can go.