Get Well Soon
Get Well Soon
R | 20 December 2001 (USA)
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After having a nervous breakdown, a popular talk-show host confronts his ex-girlfriend who is dating a cross-dresser.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
bkoganbing The person everyone is hoping will Get Well Soon is TV talk show host Bobby Bishop as played by Vincent Gallo. The guy who most wants him to get well is Gallo's agent Jeffrey Tambor. His career rides on Gallo's career.But they both look like they're circling the bowl as Gallo makes some rather crude remarks to a female guest. Immediately he's checked into a mental hospital with the explanation he's suffering a nervous breakdown.Get Well Soon is a combination of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and Network and a few other films thrown in for good measure. It doesn't really succeed at being a good imitation of either of those classics. It gets really dull in spots, it has no real life to it.It's just a bad imitation of some good classics.
Amy Adler Bobby (Vincent Gallo), a very successful national television talk show host, stationed in Los Angeles, is having a near-breakdown. He begins asking very inappropriate questions to a beautiful female guest and, shortly after, takes a leave of absence. What is really bothering Bobby is that, long ago and far away, his name was Kevin and he gave up a nice relationship with Lily (Courteney Cox) to pursue his professional ambitions. Lily, who lives in New York City, is living with a jerk (Tate Donovan) and is still seething from Bobby's rejection, even though she watches Bobby's show consistently. But, she also has other problems to deal with, including a mentally ill brother and an eccentric mother (Anne Meara). When Bobby/Kevin comes home to the Big Apple and tries to contact her, will she answer his calls? This film has some very good messages about life and a fine cast. Gallo and Cox are attractive folks who command attention from the viewer, with Meara doing a nice job, too. Add on some good-looking costumes, sets, and production values and you have an eye-catching film. However, even though the script has its heart in the right place, that is, one should never choose success over personal happiness, it employs way too much bad language for comfort, in my opinion. Too bad one can not choose the "clean version" of a film, as one can do when buying a music CD. In any case, if you love romance and/or lesser-known films of quality, this is a good choice. But, if bad language offends you, you should go with something else, such as Return to Me.
Rogue-32 Love Gallo, that's gotta be stated up front, that's why I wanted to see this film in the first place. He's great in it, of course, as 'empty' talk show host Bobby Bishop, searching the streets of New York City for his lost true love, Lily (Courtney Cox). There's a lot of other stuff going on as well (a LOT of stuff) - crazy people trying to steal Matthew Broderick's dog (to get closer to Sarah Jessica Parker), Lily's mother (the great Anne Meara), who is - get this - practicing to be a homeless person (just in case), gay boyfriends, insane friends, lying hookers, Bobby's beyond-brown-nosing manager (the fabulous Jeffrey Tambor, who played basically the same role on Gary Shandling's show). I think this is the main reason the movie is just not very satisfying -- there's simply too #$@kin' much going on, for $@#(*&ts sake.If some of these characters had been left out (like most of them), and we had gotten to focus more on Bobby and his self-destructive-but-trying-oh-so-hard-to-make-it-work character, Get Well Soon would have been a far better movie. Gallo, with all his good/bad-and-everything-inbetween contradictions gloriously blazing in full form, could have easily carried the day.
mtndance An enjoyable, but weird film. Liked seeing Ann Meara - a long-time favorite from way back and always like seeing Courtney Cox. BUT, Courtney, you can do better than Vince Gallo! I really couldn't see him as a "popular" talk show host. The guy looks like a rat, with his scuffy beard, every-which-way hair and sloppy clothes. Couldn't casting have shopped around for somebody more believable?Otherwise the rest of the bunch a crazies was really enjoyable to watch.
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