Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
| 22 December 2009 (USA)
Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side Trailers

Peter makes good on another power outage at home by retelling Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Diagonaldi Very well executed
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
zkonedog While watching the first Star Wars parody, Blue Harvest, from the creators of Family Guy, I was struck by the originality of the "episode" (competition with Robot Chicken aside!). Just seeing Peter as Han Solo, Brian as Chewbacca, Quagmire as C3PO, and Cleveland as R2-D2, among others, was enough to bring a smile to my face. It was one thing to develop those characters on a weekly TV series, but a whole different thing entirely to take that character development and use it to make fun (and pay tribute to) the first Star Wars film.In this second spoof, "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side", the Family Guy team sends-up The Empire Strikes Back. Since that first shock-value of seeing all our favorite characters in the Star Wars universe is gone, it is more up to the jokes than ever, as sight gags just weren't going to cut it anymore. With that being said, this entry into the FG cannon performs about as well as anything else...some jokes are brutally offensive, others fall completely flat, and still others are so funny that you'll be chuckling out loud and almost miss the next one! Really, the success of the TV show stems from the fact that creator Seth McFarlane and Co. know no bounds in terms of poking fun at anything and everything, and that is once again the case here.Basically, this was another funny little entry into the FG universe (literally!) that does pretty much what it is supposed to do. Fans of the show will eat it up (awkward moments and all), while non- fans will probably find it offensive and turn it off.
bob the moo Another power cut hits the Griffin household leaving them devoid of any form of media to distract them from one another. Faced with the horror of family conversation, Peter tells a story that follows on from his previous tale, following the young Jedi Luke and the Rebellion as they fight the forces of the Empire in a galaxy far, far away.As with Blue Harvest before it, this "film" was promoted on DVD in the UK despite being less than an hour long. With my experience from Blue Harvest (where it screened for free on the BBC a few days after DVD release) I didn't buy it but did watch it for free when I got the chance because I did find that the previous Star Wars episode was very funny indeed. Ironically (considering they contrast with it), "Dark Side" echoes the second Robot Chicken Star Wars episode by managing to be both very funny but at the same time not quite as good as their first attempt.The Family Guy special has the additional assistance of having the structure provided by Empire Strikes Back itself, rather than being all gags like RC was, and this does sustain it. Part of this is the value of Fox's FG being able to utilise the film and music as much as it does, so even if a specific moment isn't particularly funny, there is still the novelty value of it having the look and feel of the film itself. Of course this is not enough and it does help that, while not as rapid fire as Robot Chicken, this special is still very funny thanks to the usual Family Guy sense of humour and lots of clever gags at the gentle expense of Empire. Given that Family Guy does pop culture reference jokes, this is quite the partnership and does work well. I noticed more misses than in Blue Harvest, moments where I wasn't laughing, but the hits still outnumber these by quite some degree. The characters are well used as before and I was quite pleased that Herbert/Obi-wan had significantly less time here, since I thought he was overused in the first special.Generally the film (extended episode) works well because the target audience will love the film and also get the sense of humour with which Family Guy affectionately spoofs it. This does have more misses in it than Blue Harvest but it is still very funny and worth seeing (although not worth the full cost of a DVD). Biggest laugh is saved for the end, with a repeat of the ribbing of Seth Green (Chris) really hitting the mark.
Jon Slamko I have seen virtually every episode of family guy including blue harvest, all which are very funny and cause you to laugh. However in this movie, I had only found 3 lines that caused me to laugh, the rest was just filler that made no sense. If you have not seen the original star wars movie you will be completely lost and most likely cause you to never watch family guy again as the person that I watched "Something, Something, Something Dark Side" with had stated after she had wasted just over 54 min of her life that she will never get back.If you have nothing else to watch give it a go, hopefully you will enjoy it more than myself.
marcus259387608 May contain spoilers.Family Guy in my view has suffered from loss of form in recent times, but I hope this can work as a precedent for better times for the show. The humour is on an improved level and while some of the jokes fall flat, others produce really funny moments that I'm quite sure will go appreciated by others as well as myself. The scenes with Stewie as Darth Vader were especially funny with the inevitable force choke gag being used to very good effect.In spite of those moments of questionable jokes elsewhere the episode produces the random nature of Family Guy and utilises it to great effect. One of my personal favourite jokes actually came at the end when Brian pointed out Lando wearing Han Solo's clothes. If you are anything like me and actually spotted that at the end of the film you'll appreciate it more than others may.All in all a very funny episode with a great amount of laugh out at loud moments that are well worth a view Thanks for reading.
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