NR | 04 March 2016 (USA)
Emelie Trailers

After their regular babysitter cancels, the Thompson family turns to her friend, Anna to supervise their children while the parents go out to celebrate their anniversary. At first Anna seems like a dream come true to the kids, allowing them to eat extra cookies and play with things that are usually off-limits, but as her behaviour becomes increasingly odd, the kids soon find out that her intentions are dark and twisted—and she is not who she seems to be.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Steineded How sad is this?
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Getajob5389 I felt I had to write this to combat the positive reviews, which must have been friends or family of the people in this movie. The entire film is beyond pointless and should never have been a movie. Babysitter wants to kidnap kid. Proceeds to do random disturbing things to the children for seemingly no reason. Parents begin to return home and she panics for time. Why? Why do any of this. Just take the kid and run.The entire time I'm watching this move, I'm frustrated trying to figure out how the writers thought any of this movie made sense or was a good idea. Please don't watch this movie.
BA_Harrison If you've seen and enjoyed McG's 2017 film The Babysitter, check out Emelie from two years earlier, a nifty little shocker that also sees a young lad having to do battle with a child minder who is up to no good.The nutty babysitter in this case is Anna (Sarah Bolger), who starts to act weird as soon as the kids' parents leave the house, searching the rooms, breaking into the family security box, asking eleven year old Jacob (Joshua Rush) to pass her a tampon while she is sat on the loo, and allowing the children to draw on the walls. As the evening draws on, Anna gets progressively loopy, feeding Sally's hamster to Jacob's pet python, playing a most unsuitable video for the children, and reading little Christopher (Thomas Bair) a very strange bedtime story about a young woman whose mind cracks after she accidentally kills her baby. It turns out that Anna is actually called Emelie and that she intends to take Christopher as a replacement for her dead infant.With competent direction from Michael Thelin, natural performances from the three children and an extremely chilling turn from Bolger as a total whack job, this is, for the most part, a very effective (and sometimes rather disturbing) thriller, which is only let down by a somewhat weak payoff that feels like a set up for a sequel.
ritas_kadards So slow, so bad. The concept sounds good but fail to execute. The babysitter acting was not good. Very boring, put me to sleep.
sbeall-99056 Who is this babysitter? They really give little to no build up or insight as to her motives and personality. Although you can tell very quickly she's going to be a bad egg before she even gets into the house, they don't give you any back story as to why and even throughout the movie, you never really find out anything other than she must have lost a child (boy) of her own (How? Who knows) but that's about it. Pretty shallow.The opening abduction scene never really ties into the rest of the story either. Who's the blonde girl who was abducted. Who's the guy working with her that eventually crashes his car into the car the parents were riding in at the end? He killed himself doing it, so was he purposely buying her the time she needed, or was it accidental? The body of the early abductee was in it, but was she dead already, or was it from he crash? Why don't we see his face? Why was she abducted. What does it have to do with anything?Also, the are many instances for the kids to escape her, or to let others know she was a psycho that makes everything harder to swallow. Anyone who has/knows kids know none of this would play out like it did. Finally, the ending with how the kids escape her and are rescued came abruptly without a whole lot of drama, action, or thrill that movies like this typically end with. It was like they allowed the Hallmark Channel or ABC Family to produce the last 10 minutes.I mean; I've seen Sesame Street characters go down harder than this wacko babysitter and we all knew she wasn't going to be there in the driveway when the they got back to the house. I get the director was going for almost a Halloween type ending so the character could return for a sequel(s), which is why she was "gently" run over, but it all failed miserably. I wasn't expecting much from this movie to begin with, but even for what it was, it wasn't very good at all.