PG | 16 December 1977 (USA)
Candleshoe Trailers

When ex-con artist Harry claims that a secret treasure is hidden inside Candleshoe, an English estate, he creates an elaborate plan to find and steal the prize. By convincing a girl named Casey to impersonate the estate owner's long-lost granddaughter, Harry hopes to uncover the treasure's location. But when Casey has a change of heart, she must follow the clues and find the treasure, in order to save Candleshoe and stop Harry before it is too late.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
SimonJack "Candleshoe" has a fine cast with a couple of former prominent actors, a good script, and an up and coming new young actress. David Niven plays four parts - three of which are intentional masquerades as servants and a friend of Lady St. Edmund. He is quite good with the disguises and voice accents and changes. Helen Hayes is the matriarch of Candleshoe, an old estate handed down through the family for centuries. But, with the disappearance and feared death of her granddaughter in a plane crash several years earlier, she has no heir for the estate. She's a kind woman who has taken in some foster kids. Enter a shyster by the name of Bundage who has taken great pains over a couple of years to find someone he could pass off as the granddaughter. He wants her to look for clues in the mansion for where the infamous ancestor and pirate, Captain Joshua St. Edmund, hid a large treasure of gold doubloons. Bundage hired a detective agency that found the perfect match in a street urchin named Casey. She doesn't have parents but lives with an old couple in shabby inner city housing of Los Angeles. She's a street-smart minor hooligan who passes clearly as a boy. Jody Foster was just 15 when she played this role, and she does a fine job with it. Leo McKern is very good as the villain, Bundage. The rest of the cast all do well. Most of the film was shot in England, and the house and country scenes are very pleasant. The film has light comedy and drama, and makes a good family film. It was based on a novel by Michael Innes, "Christmas at Candleshoe." Walt Disney studios released it as a holiday film a little over a week before Christmas 1977.Here's a favorite line from the film. For more funny dialog see the Quotes section under this IMDb Web page of the movie. Lady St. Edmund, "Good afternoon, John Henry." Priory, in disguise as the chauffeur, "Good afternoon, m' lady." Lady St. Edmund, "Oh, and how is your Uncle George?" Priory, "Ah, m' lady, I didn't think it necessary to trouble you with the news. But we finally had to measure him for his wooden overcoat." Lady St. Edmund, "Wooden?" Priory, "Yeah, we buried him last week, m' lady."
Maddyclassicfilms Directed by Norman Tokar with an hysterical screenplay from David Swift and Rosemary Anne Sisson.Candleshoe is a fun and surprisingly touching tale of childhood adventure and one of the best non animated films to come from Disney.The story is all about young orphan Casey Brown(Jodie Foster)who lives with foster parents in America.One day she is taken to a posh hotel by a private detective and there she meets con man Harry W.Bundage(Leo McKern).He tells her all about a scam he has going on with his cousin Grimsworthy(Vivien Pickles),to find the mysterious treasure hidden in the sprawling English mansion Candleshoe.Casey must pretend to be the long lost granddaughter of the owner Lady St Edmund(Helen Hayes).Once she wins the old ladies trust she can start to follow clues on a piece of paper to the treasure.When Casey gets to the mansion the old lady believes her story and she actually finds herself loved for the first time in her life.The highlight of the film though is David Niven as Lady St Edmunds butler,gardener,chauffeur,cook and best friend Priory.He goes through various disguises to prevent his mistress knowing her money is very nearly gone and all the other staff have left her.He's helped in this by some local orphans adopted by Lady St Edmund loyal and feisty Cluny(Veronica Quilligan),sweet floor slider Bobby(David Samuals),shy Anna(Sarah Tamakuni)and natural leader Peter(Ian Sharrock).Jodie Foster gives a fine early performance as the lonely teenager and David Niven and Helen Hayes are perfect.There is also more than a touch of the Ingrid Bergman film Anastasia here.In which Helen Hayes plays the Dowager Empress Marie the grandmother of the murdered Romanov children who believes the young woman is her youngest granddaughter.Yes it's cheesy and some bits look dated but this is a good film about friendship,family,adventure and fun this is one to watch whether your young or old.
Neil Doyle I'm not a JODIE FOSTER fan, but she's well cast as the tomboy posing as a wealthy aristocrat's long lost daughter, really on a mission to discover where the wealth is hidden.David NIVEN is the aristocrat's butler, but forced to assume many different disguises to keep HELEN HAYES from realizing that she has almost no household staff other than him. Seems they are facing hard times just keeping up with the payments on the castle called "Candleshoe," an elegant British house in the countryside that provides a handsome setting for the story.Foster, Niven and Hayes give delightful performances and keep the film going whenever it runs out of steam--which, unfortunately, happens toward the end when the slapstick becomes something better left to the likes of a Buster Keaton or a Charlie Chaplin.Neverthelss, kids and adults will be drawn into the story, deftly played and well directed with enough humor and excitement to keep any viewer interested until the wacky finale.And that "Candleshoe" house is something to see. As Jodie Foster says, "What a shack!"
bkoganbing The long lost heir(heiress) gambit has been used in theater and film it seems like forever. In this film conman Leo McKern has heard of and searched out a 15 year old girl who could be the heiress to a minor title of nobility in Britain. He flies her over from Los Angeles to rural Britain and has her meet her purported "grandmother" Helen Hayes.Of course this is old stuff for Hayes. Ingrid Bergman was also to be her granddaughter in Anastasia. Here it's Jodie Foster. I don't think even Jodie Foster now would compare herself to Ingrid Bergman, but Candleshoe is a great deal lighter than Anastasia. Still Helen Hayes is a less formidable grandmother than the Dowager Empress of Anastasia, but as it turns out not quite as dotty as everyone believes she is.So now we've got elements of Kidnapped, Anastasia and now to add to that mix, a sprinkle of Kind Hearts and Coronets. David Niven as her devoted butler Priory also gets to play a chauffeur, a gardener, and a neighbor. And come to think of it, the neighbor character is a bit of a spoof on what Niven won his Oscar for in Separate Tables. It's a joy to watch David Niven do these nice little turns as other characters.So Disney taking the best of at least four films I count now and other viewers might spot some more. Candleshoe is a nice little stew of an entertaining film. And incidentally the title is the name of Helen Hayes's estate.