A Little Princess
A Little Princess
G | 10 May 1995 (USA)
A Little Princess Trailers

When her father enlists to fight for the British in WWI, young Sara Crewe goes to New York to attend the same boarding school her late mother attended. She soon clashes with the severe headmistress, Miss Minchin, who attempts to stifle Sara's creativity and sense of self-worth.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Game Ovais There are so many areas that A Little Princess succeeds like no other fantasy feel good movie.At the centre of this movie is a little princess who despite so many things going badly wrong for her, remains ever joyful. Liesel Matthews delivers a performance beyond her years and for some reason is overlooked when discussing greatest child acting performances.The supporting cast are superb in their roles too. Eleanor Bron, Liam Cunningham and Vanessa Chester give performances that match the quality of the movie.The picture is vivid and in tune with the theme of the movie. The music score whilst not one you would listen to regularly, matches the movie perfectly.If you haven't seen A Little Princess, you're missing out. It's a wonderful family movie.
tarikur2 This is coming from a guy's perspective. I have seen this movie many times (I have seen most of the top 250 best rated movies on IMDM). This movie is one of my favorites of all time. I think, this movie is one of most under- rated movie there is. I have seen this movie when I was a young boy and this movie inspired me ever since. What inspired me is not the movie itself but the main character's (Sarah) characteristics. She has a wild imagination and is very creative, she dreams big, she is positive and caring, willing to stand her ground and best of all, she had a great personality. I always try to be like Sarah especially having wild imagination and being positive.
hiddenags Before I begin I'd like to say I have not read the original "A Little Princess" and maybe one day in the future I shall read it. However this movie generally moved me. I'm not the type that usually gets emotional over movies but this movie is exceptional. The main role of Sara Crewe is played by Liesel Matthews, a really cute young girl (in this movie anyway), although her acting skills aren't great , she really gets the message across. The music of the movie is also beautifully crafted and co-ordinates with the movie really well. I recommend you watch this movie and please keep an open mind.***WARNING*** This movie may be a bit "girly"
entertainmentalice Yes, the film was visually beautiful. Truly. BUT - My issue isn't so much that her father was alive, although I thought they shouldn't have done that. Parents DO die and children are left to deal with it. That is REAL LIFE. However, I like film for escape, so okay - I'll give them a pass on that.My issue is with Sara. The Sara in the book was a MUCH better PERSON than the Sara Crewe in the film. In the film, Sara was spiteful and petty. She retaliated against those who wronged her. The whole POINT of the book was that horrible things happen and life is unfair and just because you are good doesn't mean good things will always happen to you. Unfair crap happens and it's how we RESPOND that matters.In the book, Sara Crewe had dignity and character. She took it on the chin and maintained her personal dignity. I was SO disappointed in the film. I've loved the book for my entire life. To have Sara changed so was a terrific disappointment.Given that the entire point of the book was Sara - who she was and how she handled horrible adversity - I must say I hated this film. I felt they destroyed the character.