The Revenant
The Revenant
R | 26 September 2009 (USA)
The Revenant Trailers

A horror movie/buddy comedy about Joey and his undead friend Bart who comes back from the dead as a revenant: an articulate zombie that needs to drink blood to arrest the decomposition of his body.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
GL84 Killed in Iraq, a former soldier returns to his hometown alive but desperately needing blood to survive, and when his buddy decides to have him kill vagrants around town to do so, they find themselves in increasingly desperate situations to try to survive.This turned out to be quite an impressive if mildly flawed effort with a lot to like about it. One of the film's strongest points is the delicate area of how it deals with the guy's condition, bestowing traits of vampires and zombies onto him yet never stating whether he is one or the other and contains traits that cancel out whether he is one or another. It's a great strategy that pays off quite well as this creates such an endearing creature that the resultant scenes of them hunting people down are a lot funnier than expected and generate some really good, genuine laughs from their bumbling and stumbling around, which is nice to see. That said, it's far too long for it's own good, coming in a good twenty-minutes over it's allotted time for such a goofy, non-horror-specific premise since it adapts an action-movie feeling more than once instead of horror during the middle, and it's quite distracting overall. Otherwise, this is quite enjoyable.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Full Nudity, a sex scene and drug use.
paulholborn My son found this film & recommended that I watch, having been a fan of David Anders from Heros as Adam Monroe & being a fan of the Zombie genre I had high hopes.I wasn't let down, this film was brilliantly entertaining & the ending totally unexpected! Anders & Wylde work brilliantly together & D. Kerry Prior's script is a great new take on the zombie genre which other film makers should take note of. This film is up there with Shaun Of The Dead, The Vagrant & a host of other films, most of which never get the credit they deserve.A true future classic
scottmannen1 This definitely turned out to be a non-typical vampire movie. While this one starts out very funny the story suddenly becomes very serious and dark. The acting was decent enough and the story was mediocre at best. I guess the bottom line is that for a vampire film fan like myself I found the movie entertaining and a good way to kill a few hours. THe movie is a bit long and at times the story seemed to drag on in certain areas. The film goes from being funny to being dead serious. It mixes in vampire lore mixed with some zombie plague. The real challenge I found with this movie is discovering where the heck did the vampire disease start from and how? Its evident that the protagonist gets infected at the very beginning of the movie, but what is the story of those who infected him and why hadn't the disease spread further in Afganistan where the initial infection takes place? Decent movie!
mohsinsakib This film released previously more than 6yrs ago. Why again? This movie isn't funny or doesn't have strong storyline. To me it's a combination of zombie and Dracula. Why hero killed his girlfriend? Why he came back to life? Why he couldn't drink animal blood? Why he killed his best friend? Why the movie ended suddenly? What the director's try to portray isn't clear.I'm from Bangladesh I've seen it already. Then why u guys bother to see it.If u don't have anything to do then only it is preferable. Otherwise waste of time.