R | 15 June 2007 (USA)
Sublime Trailers

Admitted to Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure, George Grieves discovers that his condition is much more serious and complicated than originally expected; and as his own fears begin to manifest around him, he learns that Mt. Abaddon is not a place where people come to get better... it is a place where people come to die.

Wordiezett So much average
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
grandmastersik In this garbled mess of a film that tries to be more intelligent than it is, a 40 year old computer technician goes into hospital for what should be a routine colon scan, only for things to get trippy, man... No, seriously.With competent acting, not much seemed to happen as the hot nurse - and she was hot - proved not enough to deter my growing resentment as the badly handled mystery eventually began to unfold, boring my to tears in the process, before things turned incredibly nasty towards the end.I reckon that somebody watched Miike's Audition and thought, "Hey, let's do an ending like that," failing to realise how out of place it was given the lack of warning in the set-up.It's difficult to go into any further details about this bag of crap without somebody sticking a SPOILER cuss on this opinion (since I don't actually write "reviews"), but the only thing you really need to know before watching this film is this: AVOID.Or, you can listen to your gut after the terrible opening and awful dialogue of the following bedroom scene, and turn it off not even 5 minutes in.Believe me, you'd only be sparing yourself from sitting through a very bad film.
Maccy Dee I watched this movie with a mate of mine at midday. We just wanted to stop it every five minutes and put the DVD in the bin. It made no sense, the story was rubbish, the acting was rubbish, the whole thing was rubbish till the last five minutes.WHAT A SHOCK.The whole thing started to make sense, we were sitting there trying to figure things out. I think one will understand this movie through his/her own perspective. Think you could take many messages from this movie on life, love and may other subjects.For me, this movie was all about coma, how our machines can tell us one thing, but what really goes on inside the human head when in coma is another matter and no machine will ever detect that.This movie's not about the acting or the directing, it's about the old debate; keep him on the life support machine or release him from his nightmare? What would you do if that person was someone close to you? Put greed aside, it's not about you and your loss, release them from the misery inside their heads. The sounds within the room causing and creating confusion inside his head. It all started to make sense to me and i do believe this is a great movie.
tor-holst Acting, directing and artwork was in all a very pleasant, or should I say unpleasant, surprise. Especially from a direct to video, low budget movie. The movie explores, and slightly overexposes, the fear of the average upper middle-class white guy. Big scary black men, Muslims, homosexuality, and so forth. Actually the theme is spelled out for us: If a man lives his life in fear, does that life only have meaning if the fears are real, if they come true. No problem so far - great premise for a horror movie. But that's not enough, in all political correctness it was evidently a must to point out that what we are afraid of can also set us free. Fine, I don't mind the message - but not at the cost of a terrific ending. You'll know when you see it. For see it you should.
fperez-7 that it was sold as a horror movie!!! Just image the deception that this film caused on so many couples looking for a good excuse to hug and touch! Instead, they got a quite interesting film that requires you to actually watch, and even use a couple of neurons! Anyway, WB made a mistake with the marketing strategy for this film. I don't which genre it would fit in, perhaps thriller? That way, I am sure this movie won't be getting so many "I wasted my time" reviews.And BTW, I don't see how bad can it be to "waste" a couple of hours with a different movie!? I don't see anyone complaining about the time it takes to write a movie review, or queueing in the bank, or stuck in traffic.It is a shame that people are not willing to experiment different approaches to art (and in life!). They sound like Republicans.