Dr. Strange
Dr. Strange
| 06 September 1978 (USA)
Dr. Strange Trailers

A psychiatrist becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth in order to battle an evil Sorceress from the past.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
mandysa33 The only thing I would add to the other reviews is the constant musical bombardment of this movie does tend to grate after a while...because it needs to set the emotional content that the film on its own lacks...(Sir) John Mills was wasted on this and he probably knew this so never pulled any weight for his allotted time on screen...the women leads were quite effective in their parts but the leading man looked a little discombobulated or meh about the whole enterprise... Should have been made by Hammer Horror...they would have sorted this endearing 70s mess...but at least I have now a base to measure the modern version by... lol
utgard14 TV movie (intended as a pilot for a possible series) about the Marvel magical superhero, Dr. Strange. Morgan LeFay (Jessica Walter) is sent to Earth by a demon to prevent an aging sorcerer (John Mills) from passing his power onto someone else. To this end she possesses a young woman named Clea (Anne-Marie Martin) and tries to get her to kill the sorcerer. Clea is traumatized by this, which leads her to being taken to the hospital where she is treated by psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Strange (Peter Hooten), who just so happens to be the sorcerer's intended successor.While it's easy to dismiss this because it's a TV movie and those are largely cliché-ridden and forgettable today, I should point out that this wasn't always the case. In the 1970s TV movies were actually really good on the average, with a lot more creativity and variety than we see today where it's the same recycled soaps, thrillers, and romantic comedies over and over. This does have a limited budget, so those expecting things like Strange creator Steve Ditko's surreal imagery will be disappointed. But if you leave unrealistic expectations at the door and judge it on its own merits, I think you'll find it's a quality movie. Peter Hooten is a little wooden for a leading man but doesn't embarrass himself. Anne-Marie Martin (billed as Eddie Benton) is pretty good and very easy on the eyes. John Mills classes things up significantly. Jessica Walter is delicious fun as Morgan Le Fay. Perhaps the movie's greatest strength is Paul Chihara's score. Again, TV movies today just don't have this level of quality. Next to the Incredible Hulk TV series, this was the best of Marvel's efforts in the '70s and '80s to bring one of their heroes to life on the small or big screen, excluding cartoons. Those who can't enjoy TV movies or those who are fans of the comic book who can't see past their inflated expectations will not like it and should probably skip it altogether. I think most others who watch it will see it's very good for what it is.
WakenPayne I Firmly Believe Every Adaptation Of Doctor Strange Is Good This Is Excellent Quallity For The 70's. The Plot Is That A psychiatrist becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth in order to battle an evil Sorceress from the past. This Is One Of My Favourite Movies From The 70's (But Not Including TV Movies Its Either Monty Pythons Life Of Brian, Monty Python & The Holy Grail Or Alien) This TV Movie Is The 2nd Best TV Series Never Made (1st Is Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog). An Excellent 70's TV Show. The Acting Is Excellent, The Villiains Are Ones That Really Make Harry Potter Look Like Crap(Even Though Harry Potter Is An Awful Movie Series). An Excellent TV Show That Was Never Made. Rating: 10/10
shanakin I had first seen this movie years ago on Sci Fi only part way thru and thought of it often but never took the time to try to hunt down a copy. When low and behold I ran into it at a video rental store where you can rent movies for less than $1.00 for three days.I cant believe how much fun this movie is, I truly love movies from the 70's and this movie has some major 70's fashion going on. I was surprised at how well the cast got into there roles from Peter Hooten playing Dr. Strange and Jessica Walter playing Morgan they both made the movie a lot of fun and the scene's that there in together are great. This is 70's camp at it's very best, the story is not as strong as it could be and the dialogue is a bit goofy at times but the actors bring the movie to life. Oh and I have to mention the lovely Anne Marie Martin she looks great in this movie what a beautiful lady.There is another review on this movie that states the Greatest Superhero TV series never made and I have to agree. I wonder if the producers were hoping to go to series, because of the way the movie ends. It certainly had some great potential. I hope that some company takes the time to release the 70's marvel movies other than The Incredible Hulk (I do like the hulk to it's just better know than the Dr. Strange and Captain America and Spderman series of the 70's). The kid inside me from the 70's still loves these movies and I hope that some day they can be released on DVD.DR. STRANGE LIVE ON IN YOUR MYSTIC WORLD...