Trail of the Pink Panther
Trail of the Pink Panther
PG | 17 December 1982 (USA)
Trail of the Pink Panther Trailers

The Pink Panther diamond is stolen once again from Lugash and the authorities call in Chief Inspector Clouseau from France. His plane disappears en-route. This time, famous French TV reporter Marie Jouvet sets out to solve the mystery and starts to interview everybody connected to Clouseau.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
jacoblee-04430 You've probably read my "Pink Panther" reboot review, but I love the Pink Panther movies and cartoons. I grew up with them. And when I heard about "Trail of the Pink Panther" getting terrible reviews, I was like, "OK, I'm surprised, but I haven't seen the movie yet." I actually thought that to myself one day before I watched it.During the title sequence (although it was funny), I just quietly read this title: "To Peter. The One and Only Inspector Clouseau". When I saw it, I was like, "Wait a second, Peter Sellers have died?! What's going on in it?!" Then I then noticed something, a montage of Sellers as Clouseau. People were like, "Are you serious?!", but for me, I basically just let my laughs all out. I don't care what everyone says, but I enjoyed "Trail of the Pink Panther" a lot. It was basically a tribute to Sellers, which Blake Edwards did a good job with.So, overall, this is basically the king of guilty pleasures. Watch the movie. It's hysterical and is definitely a great tribute to Sellers. So I am giving it a 10 out of 10.
TheLittleSongbird I genuinely wanted to like this film. I love the Pink Panther movies, and the animated TV series, but this was really quite shameless. Not to imagine quite strange, not only in its idea which is a rather bad one admittedly but in its execution.It is supposedly a tribute to the late Peter Sellers. I admit it his presence in this film as Inspector Clousseau actually saves this movie from being any worse than it was, but he deserved much better than this. Herbert Lom is sort of fun too, and Henry Mancini's original music is marvellous. However that is the only praise I can give.Blake Edwards is talented but I found it difficult to believe he directed this, it didn't feel like his style of directing. The film looks rather dated too, while the plot is a shambles and the sight gags and script are really quite poor even for a Pink Panther film. In regard to the latter reason, the outtakes are unremarkable at best and the new footage is dismally unfunny. Also, the pace is pedestrian, despite people saying that the 1963 Pink Panther movie is the dullest entry, and I have heard people say that, I think this entry is the dullest. Other than Sellers and Lom, the other acting is rather poor. Joanna Lumley grates, Robert Loggia is wasted and David Niven's voice is dubbed terribly. I understand Niven was ill, but really they either should've used his real voice or not used him at all.All in all, a shameless mess. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Boba_Fett1138 I believe Blake Edwards intentions with this movie were noble. I'm sure it was meant as a tribute to Peter Sellers, who passed away in 1980, for playing Chief Insp. Jacques Clouseau so greatly in the previous more successful Pink Panther movies. It does this by using archive footage of Sellers in his role as Clouseau and by incorporating 'interviews' with people Clouseau encountered in the previous movies. This also means the return of David Niven, Robert Loggia, Harvey Korman, Graham Stark, Capucine, Burt Kwouk, André Maranne and of course Herbert Lom. Some of them only had appeared in the earliest of the Pink Panther movies and I felt that they appeared in this movie because they felt they owed it to Peter Sellers. I mean they really didn't needed to appear in this movie unless they really wanted to. After all David Niven was already seriously ill at the time and also died shortly after shooting.Therefor this movie can perhaps be better seen as a special you would normally see on a DVD, that is paying tribute to a past away actor. However there were obviously no DVD's yet in 1982 and a TV special would perhaps had been too expensive and simplistic as a tribute. I'm sure Blake Edwards wanted to make something special for his good old friend and at the same time also use this movie as a set up for the next sequel "Curse of the Pink Panther", which was also shot at the same time as this movie and is therefor also featuring most of the same actors.However big mistake that Blade Edwards made was that he tried to incorporate a story into this movie. This story however seen gets abandoned again early on into the movie, as if they ran out of good usable Peter Sellers archive footage.Watching this old cut archive footage also often makes it obvious why it got cut from the original movies. Often the sequences go on for too long and are stretched out far too much, as if Sellers and his fellow actors and director were merely trying out some stuff to see what would work and what wouldn't and how far they could go with things. The comedy in those sequences also often doesn't work out as intended, which explains why they never made the final cut. It's also confusing to see some sequences that were obviously meant original for mainly "The Pink Panther Strikes Again" and "Revenge of the Pink Panther" incorporated into this movie as part of the story but however these different sequences obviously don't really connect with each other also because most of those sequences are basically the same, though less good, ones that got eventually used in those earlier mentioned movies.But also the originally shot comical sequences for this movie don't really work out. Peter Sellers is simply missed too much in this movie. Blake Edwards tried but his attempts simply weren't good enough. He tried to make it work by putting also new characters into the movie, such as Clouseau's father.A failed experimental attempt by Blake Edwards.4/10
trgusa I watched Trail of the Pink Panther again, 1982, a pieced-together story and tribute to Peter Sellers made 2 years after his death in 1980. I forgot what wonderful messes Sellers could create out of a simple room and pure innovative genius. Much of his work was spontaneous.Peter Sellers died at age 56 of a heart attack July 24, 1980, he was schedule for corrective surgery that month. His only son, Michael, died of a heart attack at age 52, July 24, 2006, 26 years to the day from his father's death. He also was scheduled for corrective surgery that month.Peter Sellers lives on, and I have ordered all of his Panther movies (ending in 1982), and "The Party" too. I got Trail of... because Joanna Lumley (from Ab Fab) was in it, at the tender age of 35. My sides still hurt from some of the never before stock footage they showed... and those looking for some meaningful plot or logic, have missed the point altogether...Classic laughter.