Curse of the Pink Panther
Curse of the Pink Panther
PG | 12 August 1983 (USA)
Curse of the Pink Panther Trailers

Inspector Clouseau disappears, and the Surete wants the world's second best detective to look for him. However, Clouseau's enemy, Dreyfus, rigs the Surete's computer to select, instead, the world's WORST detective, NYPD Sgt. Clifton Sleigh. Sleigh obtusely bungles his way past assassins and corrupt officials as though he were Clouseau's American cousin.

Micitype Pretty Good
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
disdressed12 this may be sacrilege to some people,but i actually think out of the seven(original)Pink Panther movies i have seen(i will be watching the eight and final one shortly)i found this one the most wasn't uproariously funny,though it was amusing and i chuckled all the way through.i thought the story flowed better than in the previous films.the action scenes were better,in my opinion,as well.but the best part about this particular movie was the character of Detective Sergant Clifton Sleigh,New York City's version of Inspector Clouseau.Sleigh is as inept as Clouseau,and even more so,in my mind.the character itself is brilliant.this is the first of the original Pink Panther films not too have Peter Sellers in it,which is why i suggested it may be sacrilege to some to think it could be better than the other films.for me,Son of the Pink Panther is a 7/10
Lee Eisenberg With "Trail of the Pink Panther", they portrayed Insp. Clouseau disappearing, and this time, they have a clumsy American detective (Ted Wass) look for him. Personally, I wish that they could have ended the series with "Revenge of...". After that, they butchered Peter Sellers's scenes, then replaced him, then replaced him again (Roberto Benigni probably wishes to downplay his role in "Son of..."). So, "Curse of the Pink Panther" might work once, but not after that. Just stick with the original movies. You'll be a much better person for sticking with the original movies.Did anything ever become of Ted Wass?
fcasnette Blake Edwards did not get on with Peter Sellers, and they only came together again many years after Shot In The Dark when both needed the money and boost to their flagging careers. Since then in the documentaries Edwards had tried to puff up his importance to the films, obviously without being able to trash Sellers too much since after his passing it would not be good PR.If ever there was proof needed that the Panther franchise depended entirely on Sellers genius it is the films that Edwards produced in the Clouseau series without Sellers, basically they are the leaden dross to the varying purity of gold that the films with Sellers were.Trail was great for the first half hour because Sellers' outtakes were in it. The next half hour was a waste of time for us who had seen the other films since it was just clips we had all seen before. The last half hour was a waste of time period.This Curse film was a complete waste of time apart from a few minutes at the end when Roger Moore gives lessons to Ted Wass (an actor who has disappeared into the the obscurity he well deserves) in exactly what comic timing and flair really is, and provides more smiles in a few seconds than has been forthcoming in the rest of the entire movie.A travesty by Blake Edwards which proves just how little his contribution was to the franchise (without Sellers there to bail him out) and how low Hollywood can stoop in the quest to wring the last cents out of a franchise and spoil the pleasant and nostalgic memories of the great and funny earlier films.Not worth rating.
Elswet For some reason, people seem to have a problem differentiating this movie from Trail of the Pink Panther.At any rate, this work does nothing but serve to remind us how sad the world is without Peter Sellers in it.They brought back the same old favorites from Trail (Dreyfus, Cato, Litton, etc.), but they introduced a misdirected Pratt-fall humorist into a role which was designed to substitute for the missing Clouseau. Dreyfus devises a way to produce the perfect copy of Clouseau via a hard frame computer system which factors the variables and tosses out the name of the most inept idiot in the global law enforcement family. What we got was a poor guy who was obviously overwhelmed by the grand scale of what Blake Edwards proposed he should do, and boy does it show.Ted Wass was amiable as Sergeant Clifton Sleigh, but let's face it...he wasn't Clouseau in any way. I realize that Blake Edwards was losing his greatest cash cow, but to disrespect Sellers' memory like this was just sacrilege. Frankly, I'm glad they have remade the original. I hope it runs a long line of successful ventures for Steve Martin.This dreck rates a 2.0/10 from...the Fiend :.