PG-13 | 16 May 2014 (USA)
Godzilla Trailers

Ford Brody, a Navy bomb expert, has just reunited with his family in San Francisco when he is forced to go to Japan to help his estranged father, Joe. Soon, both men are swept up in an escalating crisis when an ancient alpha predator arises from the sea to combat malevolent adversaries that threaten the survival of humanity. The creatures leave colossal destruction in their wake, as they make their way toward their final battleground: San Francisco.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
adamfranklyn-83460 I have been a Godzilla fan since I was 3 years old, I'm almost 32 now. I grew up watching the original Godzilla movies and reading the comics. Come 1999 I was so excited to hear of a new Godzilla movie! However it flopped majorly. Then comes this adaptation which stuck to original source material. Now to prevent confusion I would like to point out the Godzilla in the 1999 movie is not Godzilla, it's just Zilla who is an enemy to Godzilla. Who is Godzilla? He's thought of oftenly has a God of destruction hence the God in "Godzilla". Godzilla hates humans, but when the situation calls for it, he will fight side by side with them and protect humanity. That is the Godzilla in this movie and he even comes equipped with his famous Atomic Breath. I get asked alot of questions from people and the most common question I get is " is Godzilla good or bad" the answer is simple! He's neither Good or bad as I explained above. He hates humans with a passion, but he will protect them from other threats. If you are wanting to watch this movie, it's important to remember what I have said about his character has it will make much more sense.
shoobe01-1 Started out promising, some great cinematography, but rapidly devolved into American Action Movie Mess®Way too broad in scope, so the origin story is buried, shuffled past, and just too much is happening. The Hero is absolutely generic, in looks, as written, and has no acting ability at all. At least when we're promised the movie is full of Bryan Cranston and Juliette Binoche and he acts alongside one of them for a while. It sticks out. Action scenes are poorly done, so it's often hard to tell what is going on. Or, things make no sense. Or, it's just so dark you cannot tell anything is happening at all. Despite, apparently, thousands dead, there is no sense of consequences. The peril is told, not felt, not really shown. Maybe that's all they could get with PG13, but in that case: make a different movie. HORRIBLE continuity and accuracy. Forget plausibility, we can go with alternative histories and stuff, but the same buildings are destroyed multiple times, "EMPs" work when needed for the plot instead of on all devices, a clone of SFO is in Hawaii, and Yucca Mountain is in the hills outside San Francisco, the bay is a mile deep, and much more that is distractingly stupid and awful.
rohan-mahey This movie is meh. I have nothing really bad against it apart from little things. The plot is ok. It's an interesting plot as it also lays the foundation for a monster cinematic universe? Godzilla is hardly in this which is quite disappointing, Bryan Cranston is killed off within the first 35mins which kinda made me feel sad as it featured him in nearly every marketing campaign. The colour palette is gorgeous when Godzilla is fighting the other monster thing in the city is quite good. And that's it mostly.
FountainPen Yet again, some people are ruining the reviewing/rating system by popping in to give a 10/10 rating and a superlative review, then disappearing into the woodwork. Are such people cast or crew members? Or this friends and relatives? Whatever, I wish they would STOP it ! Roll on the day when there are only HONEST reviews on the IMDb. One typically suspect review is headed "Godzilla - The TRUE King of the Monsters is born... " and was submitted by "purenxk" who has reviewed ONLY this one movie ! I found this attempt at GODZILLA to be mildly entertaining, with some fine effects, BUT I expected much more in 2014. The movie was severely dragged down by a silly "lovematch" early on, particularly as the girl is so unappealing and speaks in a mumble !! Probably worth seeing if you've nothing better to do, but nothing special. 5/10 and that's my HONEST opinion.