Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers
R | 31 August 2001 (USA)
Jeepers Creepers Trailers

On a desolate country highway, two homeward-bound teens are nearly run off the road by a maniac in a beat-up truck, and later spot him shoving what appears to be a body down a sewer pipe.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
jonconnormustlive-46298 Jeepers Creepers follows a grown-up brother and sister taking the backroads home when they discover a mysterious man appearing to dump bodies, they're investigation finds them stalked by a deadly monster called the Creeper.Jeepers Creepers blends several comedic moments into a movie that's creepy and disturbing. The Creeper is a cool and intense creature, the way his appearance can change based off lighting and wardrobe is cool. The effects are also really good. Sticking to being practical rather then CGI.There are some good disturbing scenes many of which are enhanced by the films great score.The actors are solid, never feeling unrealistic.My only gripe is the main two characters. They're typical bickering annoying siblings, not to mention they make some dumb decisions. But that seem the norm now in modern horror movies.It's still a lot of fun. Highly recommended!
CinemaClown Jeepers Creepers was one of the first Hollywood horror films that I watched. Sneaking into the living room while the parents were asleep, connecting the earphones to the TV while keeping the lights off, it sure was a cinematic experience that I haven't forgotten and although it doesn't affect me now the way it did back then, there's much about it that I still admire.The story of Jeepers Creepers follows two siblings who, while on their way back home, witness a mysterious person dumping something down a tunnel. After finding out what was dumped down there, they set off to get help but soon find themselves being stalked & tormented by an old, rusty truck and ultimately learn that their pursuer is something way more horrifying.Written & directed by Victor Salva, the film opens on an impressive note and keeps its menacing tone alive during the first act but stumbles down the road & becomes derivative in the remaining hour. Salva introduces an eerie vibe earlier into the story, and sets things up really well but loses his grip as the plot progresses. Still, it's damn effective when it's supposed to be.The part of siblings & their dynamic is well written & executed but it's the characteristics of the Creeper and how everything about him is slowly revealed that makes up for its most interesting part. The isolated countryside location adds to its unsettling aura and also brilliantly carried out is its homage to Steven Spielberg's Duel, for that old, rusty truck was just as intimidating, if not more.Coming to the acting department, the cast consists of Gina Philips, Justin Long, Jonathan Breck & others, with all three playing their part ably. Breck's screen presence in full costume & make-up is creepy and the more his character reveals its true form, the more unnerving it becomes. Philips & Long exhibit that sibling dynamic but it's their shared moments that contributes more to the story than their individual inputs.On an overall scale, Jeepers Creepers opens strongly, with a promise of better things to come, but that part never really arrives as the film ends up being bogged by genre clichés in the second half and becomes quite predictable near the end. Still, the sinister atmosphere, smart build-up & some shocking moments do provide enough weight that it may still surprise a few unsuspecting viewers. Definitely worth a watch, at least once.
helpfulhermit I've just viewed this movie for the second time on my Amazon Prime account, the first time being a couple years ago. I went in for a re-watch because I recalled what a cool movie it was, but felt a little disappointed after the second viewing. As many people said, the earlier part of the movie has a lot of solid scares, but the thing that struck me most during this viewing is how much the Creeper's awesome and totally terrifying concept is let down by his appearance and scenes like his repeated acrobatics over the car. I loved the humor in the movie, but today the scares simply weren't enough to make me want to watch it again in the future.That being said, if the third movie ever makes it to the masses, I wouldn't mind seeing it on Netflix or Amazon Prime, but wouldn't bother seeing it in theater.
jordansepticeye I thought this movie was gonna be mediocre,based on the Scooby Doo like title and the reviews,but this was excellent.First off,the story,the concept was so creepy and unique,I can't really explain it without spoiling the movie,so I'll just say it was great.Second,the atmosphere,yes there is gore,but the movie doesn't focus on that,it focuses on tension and suspense.Third,the characters,they are well acted,well developed,and feel real.The effects are great,and so is the main villain,the Creeper,you don't know much about him,which makes him even more scary.The setting was good,but last,the pacing,it may have been slow,but I was glued to the screen the whole time.Now onto the negatives,I thought although the movie was overall dark and creepy,there was many cheesy moments that took me out of the movie and some bad dialogue,but that's it.Jeepers Creepers is a well made,suspenseful movie with some stupid moments