The Quiet
The Quiet
R | 25 August 2006 (USA)
The Quiet Trailers

After her widowed father dies, deaf teenager Dot moves in with her godparents, Olivia and Paul Deer. The Deers' daughter, Nina, is openly hostile to Dot, but that does not prevent her from telling her secrets to her silent stepsister, including the fact that she wants to kill her lecherous father.

Micitype Pretty Good
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
donaldricco Well, I basically feel like I just watched an hour and a half version of Aerosmith's "Janie's Got a Gun". Oh, and the young man who plays Connor was just terrible. Like Vin Diesel terrible. Maybe even Keanu Reeves terrible, but that maybe going a bit far. He's pretty terrible though.
Eddie_weinbauer They say American beauty was some of the inspiration for this movie..Well it is miles off.The characters are boring and shallow,and you don't really care about any of them. Sure the two main girls are pretty,but that's all there is to it. They don't really give you a reason to care or be remotely invested in their life.They just can't manage to expose em self to you ,as that interesting. Which is where the movie fails.The incest theme comes too late in the movie to make a difference,on how you feel for ,and perceive the characters. You already stopped caring by this point,so you don't really feel any sympathy, for the victim.You really don't feel anything,A lot of the dialogue is just cringe worthy,and feels unnatural. Dot also could need a lot more practice, in playing deaf mute.Cause her act clearly gives away that she can hear what people say.Overall I would say that,one of the biggest problem with this film is,That is trying to tell you a story by using music and images.=Being artsy. Instead of let you get to know the characters. And have meaningful dialogues.' To this date I will swear that Eliza cuthbert's best movie is, The Girl Next Door
dantonstl I was happy to have the opportunity to view three films based on vc Andrews omnibus flowers in the attic. this film is not a thrill ride and is preety depressing... a film an actress probably really doesn't want to do, and whoever had had the idea must be really freaky with the adoptive twin and incestual issues as well as a mute happening simultaneously, that's was a wild find.... in rare movie form for those interested in what women are thinking and doing while not being US LOVE phone operators for their fathers friends, drug dealers and whichever imaginary masturbatory polygamyideal they have conquered within their heads
Robert J. Maxwell This one's got me stumped. I hate to think in categorical terms -- it's so lazy -- but either I didn't get the message here or else there's no message to get.Teen-aged Camilla Belle pretends to be a deaf mute and moves in with her godparents, Martin Donovan and Edie Falco. They have a daughter, Elisha Cuthbert, who is a high-school sexpot with long blond hair, a cheerleader to boot. Belle, I gather, has opted for elective mutism because she has been disillusioned and wants to build a protective wall between herself and others. It doesn't work.She discovers that the ordinary family she was looking for is, in fact, all screwed up. Let's see. Dope addiction, incest, fake pregnancies, bitter jealousies, smoking, boozing, unwarranted cruelty, attention deficit disorder, Sturm und Drang, and losing a high-school basketball game -- the usual stuff of daytime dramas.Camilla Belle is not unattractive and one doubts that in real life she needs to be so shy and guarded, but it doesn't help that in this film she mopes around looking dour. Before her first dance at the high school, Elisha Cuthbert chides her for dressing like a janitor. And, earlier, pretending to enhance Belle's appearance, she applies some lipstick and we see what Camilla doesn't immediately see -- that it's smeared all over her lips so she looks like a parody of a whore. Belle's saving grace is that she plays Beethoven once in a while on the piano. The same piano from which she removes a broken wire in order to garrote her godfather.Martin Donovan as the incestuous and jealous father has a face with the appeal of a russet potato and a voice to match. Oh, he's a villain alright, but it's hard not to see why he's been boffing his own daughter. Cuthbert may be forbidden fruit but, after all, she bounces about the house sporting a bosom of considerable authority and she's constantly glamorizing herself, on top of which she's been seducing the whole basketball team and using the f word all over the place. And when her Dad makes love to her, she doesn't seem to particularly mind it. Like many sexual partners, she doesn't seem to care much one way or the other. As she confesses to Belle, she hates it when her father makes love to her -- but she loves it too. As far as we can tell, she never tells her father to get lost. Instead, she claims to be pregnant and milks him out of a thousand dollars in cash.But why go on with the plot when it all adds up to nothing much more than a series of incidents designed to tell us that loving is feigning and friendship mere folly. The movie's not only quiet. It's positively dark.It really IS dark! There must have been at least one scene shot outdoors in sunshine but I don't remember it. The direction is melancholy but efficient. There is only one nod to the cheap slasher movie genre. Cuthbert, ironing the skirt of her cheerleader's uniform, has gulled her dad into coming to her room for a bout of incest. She tells her father than she has a surprise for him and he should close his eyes. Then there are multiple cuts between Dad's placid and uninteresting face and Cuthbert's steaming iron as she lifts it and brings it closer and closer to his face. The viewer waits for poor Donovan to get the kind of surprise that really comes as a surprise when -- suddenly -- they are interrupted by a sound coming from elsewhere. Gosh. And I was waiting with such eagerness to see if ironing Donovan's face would alter it in any way.I don't know what the ending was all about. Here is Dad's garroted body lying on the bedroom floor and Edie Falco as his dissolute wife sitting near it and looking a little gloomy. She finally calls the police and tells them that she did it during an argument. Is she so doped up that she doesn't remember what happened? Is she doing it because she feels guilty about not having protected her daughter? Guilty for something else? Nobody knows and the writers don't seem to care.The final shot has Belle and Cuthbert seated at the piano, with the former teaching the latter how to play Beethoven. Belle's narration tells us that you can't shut other people out because, although you might not be able to deal with them, they always know you're there. It's a new take on an old message. Not only can't you run away from yourself -- you can't run away from others either. Truer words were never spoken.