PG-13 | 23 March 2001 (USA)
Heartbreakers Trailers

Max and Page are a brilliant mother/daughter con team who have their grift down to a fine science. Max targets wealthy, willing men and marries them. Page then seduces them, and Max catches her husband in the act. Then it's off to palimony city and the next easy mark.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Predrag This is one of those movies you just keep on watching over and over again and it stays funny! "Heartbreakers" is a genuinely original and hilarious romantic comedy. The script is very good throughout with some sparkling scenes and one-liners.The best thing about "Heartbreakers" is the cast. They are really great! Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sigourney Weaver, Ray Liotta, Gene Hackman and Jason Lee are all excellent. Not only do they work well together, but they make their parts believable. Jennifer Love Hewitt really outdoes her acting ability I don't think she's ever been this good! Sigourney Weaver sends herself up brilliantly. Anne Bancroft makes a lovely cameo as an older con-woman, and Ray Liotta is perfectly cast as the criminal link who won't take being conned and won't let the girls get away with it. Lastly, Gene Hackman as the phlegmy dirty old man in the Rolls is positively disgusting, which is, I think, what he was trying to achieve.The film moves at a reasonable pace, although not fast enough to make it work as a comedy. It starts good, but goes downhill way before the conclusion. And it's far too long at 123 minutes - I mean this is not "War and Peace". The characters are likable and the chemistry is good, especially between mother and daughter - but good will and likable are not enough to hold a film together. This one needs more cement! Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
Python Hyena Heartbreakers (2001): Dir: David Mirkin / Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Gene Hackman, Ray Liotta, Jason Lee: Comedy where a mother daughter combo seduce males for their money. Sigourney Weaver marries wealthy victims and Jennifer Love Hewitt enters as a maid positioned as the victim of sexual play. Together they rob victims through divorce settlements. They sight Gene Hackman in Palm Beach Florida but must move fast because the I.R.S. is closing in. Amusing setup is structured like a sitcom with wayward conclusion. Directed by David Mirkin who previously made the wonderful comic gem Romy and Michele's High School Reunion and here he demonstrates similar timing. Weaver is a steal giving a zesty performance closed in deceit. Hewitt aims for romance and normality in a predictable yet much more moral direction. Hackman is hilarious constantly smoking cigars that threaten his health. Ray Liotta is perfectly cast as a foil who pursues them and eventually takes an interesting comic turn but not necessarily for the ethic better. Jason Lee is weak only due to having to play Hewitt's romantic interest. The role is straight forward and never worthy of Lee's comic potential. Hewitt learns that there are options while Weaver learns that men can be companions. Together they realize that the only hearts they were breaking was their own. Score: 6 ½ / 10
breakdownthatfilm-blogspot-com When it comes to comedy films that involves lying, there has to be a clear line drawn of when and where the conscious of the person who is lying begins to work. Unfortunately, this movie can't decide on that. The story follows a mother and daughter who professionalize in being con artists. Their specialty - seducing, marrying and divorcing men into giving them the majority of their money. This would be funny if the film's main characters had focused on a man they had dealt with in the past but no. They decide to take on the everyday guy just for the sake of getting quick money. This is not how it should be done. This should be a revenge comedy against one man, not the entire gender universally.What's even more astonishing is the wide scale range that the casting department chose for their actors. The mother and daughter are played by Sigourney Weaver (the Alien (1979) franchise) and Jennifer Love Hewitt (I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)) respectively. There's Ray Liotta (Unlawful Entry (1992)), Jason Lee (who would later play Syndrome in The Incredibles (2004)), Jeffrey Jones from Beetlejuice (1988), Gene Hackman from Superman (1978), Zach Galifianakis (from the Hangover (2009) franchise) and even Carrie Fisher from Star Wars (1977) is acting in here. How could such a large cast of good actors still make such an average film?In fact, a lot of these actors' scenes are wasted because they are similar to other characters they have played. Weaver is probably the most complex but also the character with the on-off conscious. Hewitt plays the confused girl not knowing what to think of her emotions. Liotta continues to play his usual violent egomaniac, although there is a scene where he even grows a conscious (briefly); that scene I enjoyed the most. And Jason Lee just plays the clueless cutie boy who has no idea what's going on around him. As for the rest of the cast mentioned before, they really do have wasted scenes. None of them are funny scenes either.It just doesn't make sense. You have director David Mirkin, who has worked with comedies before like The Simpsons (1989) and the same name titled movie of 2007. Maybe it's his lack of directing features that pass 30 minutes. He's only released one other theatrical film, maybe he wasn't ready? And how come three writers couldn't form a more consistent plot. So much of it is back and forth between what is right and wrong which becomes tiresome. It will make people want to tell the characters to make a decision already. And it's not like they couldn't make a good script. Two of these writers were apart of Liar Liar (1997) which many people consider a good movie (speaking of which that that movie was also related to lying). Hmmm.Anyway, so it's not easy to say who is the weak link here. John Debney's music was OK. It had goofy tunes, which did alright in helping the scenes, but still didn't help the consistency of the tone. The comedy was also very bland. The main actors don't give much charm to their characters. Sure they dress up and talk like other people but that doesn't always make them funny. Some viewers may also find it sexist of how it portrays both genders. Men are lustful and dumb, while women are seductive and calculative. Then again, it can also be taken as an empowering portrayal. It really depends on what the audience wants to see. I for one found nothing of either side except an average comedy that had a little promise but didn't accomplish much.For a comedy with such a strong cast, it seems like this could have audiences laugh a lot. Sadly, the characters are too cliché and the tone flip flops making it just an average movie.
TheFunkyBass This movie has everything. Great actors, heist, working plot, well-written screenplay, believable characters, good soundtrack, just enough spice of humor and Jennifer Love Hewitt's sweet breasts.The screenplay was very well-written, not the typical romantic comedy. The creators of Liar Liar made a heist film with deep characters and plot.Everyone's performance was top notch, except the beginning of the film when Max and Page. Danny Elfman's work for the theme song of the film could have been better, it seemed too last minute. I liked the reference to "Come Fly With Me" though.