Out Cold
Out Cold
PG-13 | 21 November 2001 (USA)
Out Cold Trailers

Rick Rambis and his friends are having the time of their lives on Bull Mountain—until the legendary Papa Muntz' son decides to sell the mountain to a sleazy land developer, have the staff fired and turn Bull Mountain into 'Yuppieville'.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
iamdoobies This was my first taste of Zack Galifinakis, and haven't turned back since. Nearly peed my pants when they were doing blind donuts. Just seeing Lee Majors on the screen again brought shivers to me timbers.
abdullah kesgin Very cool snowboard scenes, cute harmless jokes, easy to follow script, friendship, lots of things you want to see in a Sunday morning.These guys are really sympathetic and their always smiling faces give the film a deep peace. Besides there are some disturbing scenes a semi-nude woman takes the film out of family. İf you are going watch it with your family be watch out for this. And honestly what is the secret about homosexuality that often appears on screen. İs there a rule about that, something like homosexual rights. İn this movie the best friend of the snowboarding guys is gay. Where did that come from? I think western people finds something funny or humorous in this homosexuality that we can not understand.Overall an entertaining film for breakfast tea.
Jesus Pedro I don't usually do this, but one actor in this film has captivated me so much, that I am going to write an entire review strictly about him. His chiseled facial features and rippling biceps provide a good case against anyone who thinks that Michaelangelo stopped carving fine marble. And his hauntingly beautiful voice is one for the ages, one that plummets deep into the soul of man like some sonic Magic School Bus and penetrates your soul like only Dirk Diggler (and the man himself) could. His presence on the screen is not just magnetic; it causes you to re-evaluate your life. I am of course talking about the one, the only, Derek Hamilton.After seeing this movie, I went to my doctor. He informed me I have 7 broken ribs due to intense laughing, and occasional guffawing. He informed me that if I watched the movie again, I may quite possibly die. But I did not care. I watched it again that very night. I woke up in the intensive care ward of the hospital. The doctor told me I would never walk again. Reader...it was worth it.But there was something else, something deeper than spine-shattering laughter present. It seemed that any time that Derek was not on screen, I fell into a deep depression. My doctor prescribed me zoloft, paxil, but it was no use. There seemed something humanely wrong with not putting this man-- nay, God-- in every single frame of film, and it is the only reason the film is not receiving a 10 out of 10 rating. There is no conceivable reason the credits did not consist of him sitting in a chair reading out names. He could be sitting on the can and it would still be more riveting than the Cuban missile crisis.His portrayal of Pig Pen is the most accurate performance I have ever seen. It has been reported that Marlon Brando died of pulmonary fibrosis. In actuality, he saw Out Cold, and after witnessing the incomparable majesty of Derek's performance, realized that all his method acting training was a gargantuan waste of time, because nothing he had even done had ever caused such cinematic exuberance. He died of a broken heart.I could go on...but I will not. Because every second you spend reading this is a minute that could be spent witnessing the single greatest performance in the history of celluloid. It is said that Stephen Hawking created a time machine, and traveled through wormhole in time when he was 21. When he arrived in the future of 2001, the first thing he saw was a movie theatre that was playing Out Cold. He watched the film, and after doing so, decided to scrap all of his projects, and devote his time to figuring out how Derek Hamilton's performance was so magnificent. He soon lost the use of his arms and legs. You do the math.
saltonmygame Before you see this movie, 2 things are important to know about this film. 1. It is not a snowboard/skiing documentary, 2. It is not an Oscar caliber movie. Some people (the older) expect the Oscar, while others (the younger) might think of it as a doc., with focus on tricks and riding. I guess thats why disappointed haters come post here. It's more a 20ish type comedy set in an Alaska ski town. It has a few scenes of some serious snowboard riding, but that is not the primary focus.It is more about the hilarious undertakings of these lovable characters, and the choices they have to make to save themselves and save their town. This movie would make an awesome date movie, and will have you cracking up throughout. Their a goofy bunch you'll fall in love with. This movie will also make you miss the mountains and wanna hit the slopes. The best pick me up movie on a crappy day. Don't go rent this film, go buy it!! And don't forget the soundtrack, one of the best EVER featuring Foo Fighters, Weezer, Jack Johnson and others!