Patriot Games
Patriot Games
R | 04 June 1992 (USA)
Patriot Games Trailers

When CIA Analyst Jack Ryan interferes with an IRA assassination, a renegade faction targets Jack and his family as revenge.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
cinemajesty Movie Review: "Patriot Games" (1992)Paramount Pictures switches leading actors from Alec Baldwin to Harrison Ford as further designated as from the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) acclaimed character of Jack Ryan, who must turn to action from in a viciously-executed terror attack on the Prince of Wales and his wife in mid-town London, when this highly-atmospheric suspense thriller based on a book from 1987 written by Tom Clancy (1947-2013) putting a microscopic as political view on a homeland-threatening "war-on-terror" theme outgoing from heart-breaking personal retaliation mission by the fulminate cast nemesis-character of Sean Miller, performed by Sean Bean in fully-engaging action beating manners, accelerating the picture directed by Phillip Noyce into patriotic chase from at that time remaining splinter cells of Irish Republican Army (IRA), who fought the Irish War on Independence from the British ruling United Kingdom (UK) for more then 50 years in the aftermath of World-War-1 (1914-1918)."Patriot Games" remains an Hollywood entertainment movie of the highest order, open for revisits under the restriction that any audience shall be advised to do some research in the now more or less resolved British-Irish conflict since an formally-received announcement in 2005, when suspense takes two peaks in a highway car-raging chase of family murder attempts and night-vision raid on U.S. American soil, where Miller's brother-avenging, ultra-advanced trained and geared death squad stealth-sneaks into never-seen-before conservative home of CIA-analyst Jack Ryan and his loving wife, portrayed by match-making actress Anne Archer, put to defend herself violently, when the message of "Patriot Games" becomes what the United States stand for since their own declaration of independence from the British Empire on July 4th, 1776.© 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)
Wuchak Released in 1992, "Patriot Games" is a Tom Clancy thriller about an ex-CIA agent, Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford), who has an inadvertent run-in with IRA terrorists while in England and kills one of them. When the vengeful brother of the slain terrorist (Sean Bean) escapes he zeroes-in on murdering Ryan's wife and daughter (Anne Archer and Thora Birch). Samuel L. Jackson, James Earl Jones and Richard Harris are also on hand, amongst other notables. This is a well-done drama/thriller with an excellent score, realistic tone, top-of-the-line cast, great locations and a "Whoa Mama" scene in the first reel featuring the stunning Polly Walker. While the first half promises more than the second half delivers, it's still worthwhile. Ford is at the top of his game as the protagonist.While the Ryan's homestead is on the east coast and many sequences in the movie were shot in Maryland and Virginia, their home scenes were interestingly shot at Morro Bay, Ca, and obviously so. It's more scenic, but it also provided the requisite cliff for the final act. The film runs 117 minutes and was shot in Virginia, Maryland, England and California.GRADE: B-
blanche-2 Harrison Ford stars in "Patriot Games" from 1992, an adaptation of the Tom Clancy novel. As the years went on, we were able to see Ben Affleck, Alec Baldwin, and Chris Pine play Clancy's hero, Jack Ryan, who appears in quite a few books.There was a time when there were films about Irish terrorists, but today, they have been replaced by another group. Former CIA analyst Jack Ryan is visiting England with his wife and daughter when he foils an abduction/murder of members of the Royal Family as they leave the Palace.The masked men were Irish revolutionaries, and Jack kills Paddy, the younger brother of one of the revolutionaries, Sean Miller (Sean Bean). He vows revenge, and he'll stop at nothing to get it. That includes escaping as he's being moved from one prison to the other and traveling to America.This is a very exciting film, with a long and detailed finale that is both scary and fantastic.Harrison Ford is the ultimate movie star, hearkening back to the classic stars of the '30s and '40s. Likable, versatile, and strong, he makes a great Jack Ryan,a man as determined to protect his wife and daughter as his nemesis is to destroy all of them. Anne Archer is lovely as his doctor wife. Sean Bean is hateful, as he should be. Lots of familiar faces -- Patrick Bergin, Thora Birch, James Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, James Earl Jones, Richard Harris, Alum Armstrong ("New Tricks), and Hugh Fraser ("Poirot"). Quite a cast.Truly excellent -- if you never saw it, see it now. Ford plays Ryan again in Clear and Present Danger.
Desertman84 Patriot Games is a film adaptation of Tom Clancy's novel of the same title and it acts as a sequel to The Hunt For Red October.It features Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan together with a cast that includes James Earl Jones,Anne Archer,Sean Bean, Patrick Bergin,Samuel L. Jackson and Richard Harris.The story takes us to a mission of Jack Ryan's attempt to foil an assassination in which he succeeds that incurs the wrath of an Irish radical terrorist group that plots a revenge to take his life and that of his family. Philip Noyce is at helm for the film.Author Tom Clancy was mad about this film adaptation as it watered down the story in the original novel.Too bad that it was reflected in the screenplay as the global intrigue provided by terrorism becomes some sort of a cops-and-criminals action thriller.In effect,it became more of a straightforward spy action thriller with simplistic political themes that viewers do not need to dwell on.Also,the decisions made by Jack Ryan as a CIA agent makes him look more like an intelligent cop rather than a spy agent.But in spite of it,the acting was great.Harrison Ford did well as Jack Ryan after taking over Alec Baldwin proving the producers that he was a good choice.Great performances can be said for the cast.The technology in it can be absorbing despite the fact that it has been more than 20 years since this film was released.Finally,the action sequences provided lots of tension,entertainment and excitement although some of them could remind the viewers the action-adventure movies Indiana Jones especially with Ford involved in it for they are somewhat out of place for these type of political thriller especially the chase scenes.