R | 30 October 1998 (USA)
Vampires Trailers

The church enlists a team of vampire-hunters to hunt down and destroy a group of vampires searching for an ancient relic that will allow them to exist in sunlight.

BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
bradleygranz Vampires is good 90s vampire film a good soundtrack better good acting a lot of action l like this one
skybrick736 John Carpenter always had a way of cashing in with the most simplistic of horror movie title, for example Halloween, The Fog, The Thing. The fall off in his directing career maybe could be pointed to his first film about vampires, notably called Vampires. The bloodsucking creatures in the southwest desert scenery really made the film seem like it derived from the film "From Dusk Til Dawn", which came out a couple years prior. With a lack of originality in the story, there was also a problem of having a dull supporting cast around James Woods. Needless to say the film was able to hold my interest throughout the film and James Woods did pull off his dialogue really well but it is a disappointing film considering pass successes.
dlbhina I have seen this twice looking for sarcasm but can't find any. How often do you see acetylene torches on each vampire's arm that shoot flames out about 6 feet before bursting? The idea was to have the vampire burn up in the sunlight but instead it looks like a training film for a moon landing. This amateurish low-budget poorly directed bomb is a disappointment.James Woods gives a typical wooden(sic) performance. Towards the end of the film he confesses to Tim Guinee that his father killed his mother and he killed his father - without so much a an eye blink. Awful. Sheryl Lee is as beautiful a victim as one can find, but her attempts at convulsing are laughable. She is misdirected. Daniel Baldwin is miscast and plays a clunky sidekick, also a wooden performance.All in all an amateurish, poorly cast failure.
jessegehrig Unoriginal macho energy plus cliché vampire crap equals a terrible movie. I guess its not the worst movie ever, so that is a sort of achievement. I think I saw at the beginning of the movie, Vampires is based on a book. I really wonder what that book is gotta be like. The actors cast are talented, but the dialog is silly. John Carpenter can be a great director of movies, also John Carpenter can be a mediocre director of movies, this would be the latter. Mainly the problem is the plot, it's a childlike good guys versus bad guys action bore. It's an "R" rated movie for twelve year old boys. It has no depth, it has no imagery that is memorable, even the action scenes are unremarkable. Snore.