Vampires: Los Muertos
Vampires: Los Muertos
R | 24 September 2002 (USA)
Vampires: Los Muertos Trailers

Tough-as-nails vampire hunter Derek Bliss is on the hunt for "suckers" in the heart of Mexico when he receives a new assignment from a mysterious client. Thrown together with a group of slayers, including sexy Zooey, who may or may not be one of the undead. Derek and company are up against a growing number of fast-moving, bloodthirsty vampires and their elusive and powerful leader.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Heislegend This is what happens when you make a switch from James Woods to Jon Bon Jovi and make a story considerably less interesting. Don't get me wrong; this isn't by any means a terrible movie. It just lacks a lot of the things the first movie had. Primarily a Baldwin brother. Seriously though, I've not in love with James Woods as an actor by any stretch of the imagination. He does, however, possess a certain smart-ass bravado that made him a really good fit for the first movie. Squeaky clean Jon Bon Jovi, try as he might, does not possess that quality and the movie suffers a bit for it.Basically this is standard vampire flick fare with some (very) tenuous connections to the first film. It tries hard, but I can't help but feel like it's kind a rip off of the first movie, which is kind of weird since the the same people produced it. It's basically a pale version of the whole vampires who want to go out in the sun motif. Fair enough, but you've seen it done to death and you've seen it done better. Except unlike the last movie we largely ditch the mysterious black cross in favor of some unnamed medication that works but only for a short while. Snore.All in all it's not a bad movie, it's just a disappointment, especially when viewed right after the first. It gets some points for decent gore, but falls short of the original there as well. When all is said and done it's not a bad movie's just not up to par with the first one which I happened to really like. Not a terrible way to kill an hour and a half of your day, though.
winner55 This is not so much a sequel to "John Carpenter's Vampires" as it is a remake. No, really, stop and think: Although there has been real effort to add variation to avoid the obvious comparisons, the fact remains that virtually nothing happens in this film that didn't happen in the first. Even the ending is virtually the same! Because the first film was Carpenter's own, and he added a quirky touch of nihilism to the themes of the film (the only force battling the vampires is the Catholic Church, and the Church ain't doing too well, judging by the rowdy team of vampire-hunter's they hired for the job), it left a slightly bitter aftertaste, but allowed Carpenter all kinds of room to twist plot elements in on themselves - ultimately, the Master vampire is somehow more admirable than the team of losers tracking him down - at least he knows what he wants out of life (... er, death).But here the story is told straight, and without Carpenter's quirkiness, it's just your average run-of-the-mill action film, with lifeless characters. slow moments, banal action scenes. Okay for a Saturday afternoon, but largely forgettable.Too bad; Bon Jovi and the rest of the cast actually seem to be up for something more. And taking the story down to (still largely Catholic) Mexico could have provided wonderful opportunities for cross-cultural references and twists.Instead we get, well... the film we were expecting but not the one we were hoping for.Not even a good miss, just so-so.
leejasongeorge I've seen this movie, oh, twice. I'm no Jon Bon Jovi fan but he was definitely brilliant in this movie. Can't wait to see the seqeul for this vampire movie. If they were to make a sequel I reckon they should have to fresh people play the roles instead of Jon Bon Jovi because yeah, he was good, but with someone younger like John Cena on Tom Cruise this one could've been quiet good. Plus, the bit with the priest was good, I don't really like Jon Bon Jovi but the bits with the priest were alright to me. One last thing, if someone else were to play the priest I would recommend someone like The Rock or the man who played The Exorcist, Maybe if he weren't dead, Max Schreck could've taken the role. Bottom Line: This movie was quite good.
Bio-Droid Ugh, what can I say other than, ugh. I rented this film because it was labeled as a sequel to the original Vampires. This movie could not have been any lamer. Lacking not only in plot, but the acting is atrocious. Combined with some obvious plot holes makes this movie a very hard one to watch. Many times I questioned my own sanity at continuing to watch the film long after the plot had jumped the shark. Here's a sampling of the lamer aspects...***SPOILERS***Professional "Slayer" insists on sleeping outdoors by himself at night. He wakes up to a woman crying, sitting no more than 3 feet from him in the middle of nowhere. He immediately goes to comfort her without questioning her sudden appearance. She goes from crying to seducing him, and he lets it happen with obvious results...One of the main characters is Zoe, was bitten by a Vampire, but as long as she takes these "experimental pills" she got in Mexico City, she's fine, although her body temperature is below room temperature...Guard outside of monastery where hero is staying the night is killed by vampires, hero leaves the next day. He then returns a day later only to be surprised that the vampires attacked the monastery the night after he left......avoid this movie.