The Forsaken
The Forsaken
R | 27 April 2001 (USA)
The Forsaken Trailers

A young man is in a race against time as he searches for a cure after becoming infected with a virus that will eventually turn him into a blood-sucking vampire.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
moviesleuth2 After viewing this garbage called "The Forsaken," I know why and how it was made. This was not made for any movie fan, horror or otherwise. This was made so that teenagers can ogle at the hot stars, none of whom possess the ability to "act." All they do is preen about the camera looking like they're doing a photo shoot (this is acknowledged in the film, although it's meant to be taken seriously. Believe it or not, it's true.). There is nothing worth watching here.A young guy named Sean (Kerr Smith) is on his way to his sister's wedding in Florida, when he picks up a hitchhiker named Nick (Brendan Fehr). On the way, they pick up a girl who seems to be OD'ing, but really, she's "infected" with a virus that will eventually turn her into a vampire. While trying to save her (temporarily), Sean is bitten. Fortunately, Nick is a vampire hunter, and infected himself. Now they have to track down the main vampire whose subsequent vampire-lings bit them in the first place, which would "cure" them.The story is flat to begin with, but writer/director J.S. Cardone makes it worse by breaking the rules that he made. A story doesn't have to be plausible (vampire stories never are), but a film has to have a set of rules and follow them, otherwise it will seem as it is making the story up as it goes along. That's what happens here. To make matters worse, all of the dialogue sucks. But I guess that's expected with a cast this bad.As the hero, Kerr Smith is really bad. He can make the girls go ga-ga, but he can't act. His co-star, Brendan Fehr, fares better. Of all the characters in the film, he actually becomes someone worth caring a point. It's hard to describe Izabella Miko's performance, because she doesn't say much. For about 90% of the time, she has one of two things to do: scream, or act like she's really drunk or high.But in terms of acting, Kerr Smith comes across as Laurence Olivier when it comes to Jonathan Schaech, who plays Kit, the main vampire. He's atrocious. His attempts to act menacing are so bad that they would be hilarious if they weren't so painful.And if the film wasn't bad enough, the effects are cheap. This is meant for the brainless ADD viewer. Random flashbacks, zooming images, and more atrocious effects hurt the already terrible film. Worse are the special effects. The gore is obviously fake, and the explosions and crashes are cheap.There's no tension or scares of any sort (okay, fine. One scene elevated my pulse up one beat per minute). Just the hope that the movie will end at some point.Avoid "The Forsaken."
r_whiting You know, sometimes you'll see a B-movie horror flick where the story really grabs you and you think, man, if they just had a better budget, cast, effects, this really could have been something. Then in turn you'll see a movie with a decent cast, director and money to spend, but its obvious the script was written two days before shooting began.I'm sorry to say that the Forsaken is more of the latter and less of the former. For us boys, there's plenty of explosions, car chases, the odd bit of nudity, but the plot is so wafer thin it falls to pieces at the first breeze.As a 'popcorn' 'no-brainer' of a movie it's pleasant enough, the cast perform well with what little they've been given, but for me personally the ending felt like it had been 'tacked on' in a rush. That and the fact the whole thing feels like a marketing ploy to earn a sequel spoiled it for me really. Still if you're at a loose end and you like your horror flicks might be worth a watch for Johnathon Schaech (Star turn in my opinion) as the head vampire. Just don't get your expectations up.
HumanoidOfFlesh While traveling cross-country Sean picks up a hitchhiker named Nick,a mysterious,pessimistic fellow with no direction.They encounter a freaked-out girl whom Nick seems to know how to help. Come to find out,the girl was recently bitten by a vampire and will completely turn into one in a few days.Nick had the same thing happen to him and thus recognized the symptoms;he's been postponing the inevitable through a cocktail of drugs that can stave off the vampire virus for a while.If he can find and kill the vampire who bit him,the virus will go away."The Forsaken" is a fast-paced vampire flick obviously influenced by Kathryn Bieglow's "Near Dark".The film features a decent amount of blood and nudity.The acting is fine,unfortunately "The Forsaken" is never scary.Still if you want to kill some time give it a look.7 out of 10.
daywalkeri Hey although the movie is based on vampires, but in the entire movie not a single monster showed up his fangs. Even in biting scenes no teeth shown,,,, Guess what? Call it vampires or cannibals?But overall, the plot was interesting, with some more effort the movie could have been more enjoyable. I enjoyed John Carpenter's Vampire. Was quite a good plot and awesome acting too. The John Carpenter baddie did outperformed the forsaken baddie. But still, my kinda story and good acting from all star crew. I would like to see more of such great plots coming ahead for all vampire fans.I give it 6 out of 10.