Dracula: Dead and Loving It
Dracula: Dead and Loving It
PG-13 | 22 December 1995 (USA)
Dracula: Dead and Loving It Trailers

When a lawyer shows up at the vampire's doorstep, he falls prey to his charms and joins him in his search for fresh blood. Enter Professor Van Helsing, who may be the only one able to vanquish the Count.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Python Hyena Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995): Dir: Mel Brooks / Cast: Leslie Nielsen, Peter MacNicol, Mel Brooks, Amy Yasbeck, Steven Weber: Horror satire about wallowing in the muck of circumstances unchangeable, but it is about time that Leslie Nielsen took on the fangs of the grand face of vampires. Leslie Nielsen seems to be reworking what he perfected in the Naked Gun films but he seems comfortable portraying Dracula at his most zany. He turns Peter MacNicol into an insect eating slave and ventures out for the blood of women. Brooks is brought in as a vampire hunter. Amy Yasbeck plays the victim of neck bites and a dance with Dracula where through mirrors it appears that she hurls aimlessly without the law of gravity. This is no where near as successful or as funny as Young Frankenstein but Brooks uses this as a followup just as Robin Hood: Men in Tights is a lesser return to the success of Blazing Saddles. Nielsen goes through the motions but he is funny as Dracula, particularly his batty defeat. Brooks as the vampire hunter is the only decent supporting role and he counters formula with a superb solution involving mirrors. MacNicol and Yasbeck are total cardboard even after transformation. Steven Weber is plainly not funny and his casting is distracting, and not in a positive way. It is a satire of vampire movies that huge Brooks fans will likely be loving it. Score: 7 / 10
Leofwine_draca Mel Brooks has done much better parodies in the past (SPACEBALLS is still a cult favourite for me) but Dracula: DEAD AND LOVING IT isn't too bad as they go. It's a broad spoof of BRAM STOKER'S Dracula with the ubiquitous Leslie Nielsen playing an accident-prone vampire who travels to England to prey on various unsuspecting folk.As you'd expect, the premise is played for laughs, most of them of the dumb or slapstick variety. Half the fun comes from seeing which of the American stars does the worst British accent. Nielsen is good value as always as the Count but the material is hardly up there with the wild and frenetic nature of the AIRPLANE films or indeed his NAKED GUN trilogy.The worst thing about this spoof is how many of the scenes are actually played straight when they could have been much funnier. Certain sequences, like those featuring Nielsen or the bug-eating dinner, are really funny, but many others are too serious. I was actually thinking up jokes that I would have put in as I watched. A good effort then, just not the best, a little more time on the script would have fixed that...
Rainey Dawn One of the best sub-genres of movies is comedy-horror and this is one of the best films in that category. While Dracula maybe "Dead and Loving It" I am loving this movie, it is among my all time favorite comedy-horror flicks.This is one of Mel Brook's most hysterically funny films... well, I guess most all of his films are that way. And I will take a moment to plug Brook's "Young Frankenstein" movie because it is just as much of a must see comedy-horror as "Dracula: Dead and Loving It".If you like "Dead and Loving It" then you may like a similar film called "Love At First Bite".9/10
phd_travel This Dracula spoof has many original laughs along the way. After all the recent Vampire movies it's even more funny.Typical Mel Brooks humor is laugh out loud and crude. The cast is good including Amy Yasbeck as Mina and Leslie Nielsen as Dracula. Mel himself plays Van Helsing. Peter Macnicol is good too as Dracula's helper. Love the mock English accents and the way they pronounce "Lucy".It's not as original as Young Frankenstein or as ribald as History of the World but it's got enough laughs. Surprised to find out it had bad reviews and wasn't a hit. Definitely worth a watch. I am a Mel Brooks fan and this one is about in the middle of the range.