Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
| 11 February 2012 (USA)
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Trailers

In the land of Orlais, a brash young Seeker—Cassandra—fights to stop a blood-soaked conspiracy. Hidden hands seek to tear apart the realm's most powerful religious order, and as the sinister plot unfolds, Cassandra is accused of treason and murder. Hunted by friend and foe alike, the impulsive beauty must clear her name while clashing with corrupt templars and rogue blood mages. Should she fail, the executioner’s blade awaits. Should she overcome her rage and expose the unseen forces threatening the rule of the Divine, Cassandra will take her place in legend.

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Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
jay star I went in with low expectations (various bad reviews/write-ups), but was very pleasantly surprised when I found myself really enjoying the story, animation and overall tone of the film.The spectacle is grand, the fights are meaty and there are some cool moments along the way.. I'm not sure why this is getting panned universally... sure, it's no 'Batman : Year One', but it's a good story set in the Dragon Age world... good enough for me!If you're a fan of The Clone Wars, you'll be familiar with this style of animation - it takes a little getting used to, but is well done and visually striking in style.I recommend this for all Dragon Age fans - it's definitively a worthwhile watch.
Canadyan I'm a pretty huge Dragon Age fan, including playing the games and all their DLC, reading the books and just finished watching the online movie/mini series Redemption and Warden's Fall.This one was pretty bad guys. I actually liked the style of animation, that type of judgement just comes from a person's taste though. As for story... nothing you haven't seen before in anything else. I was fine with it, even forgiving and liked learning about the main protagonist (Cassandra from DA2) up until the movie just started changing Dragon Age lore.The mages were ridiculous. They continued the already established lore of Templar's wanting to "confine" all mages due to their very powerful magic, except with the exception of one mage, they were all worthless. There are fight scenes with multiple mages and all they do is swing a staff at people. At Templar's. Templar's wearing full plate armor, with shields, who are trained specifically to destroy mages. Yet, half the time, the mages aren't losing these battles. And these aren't even Blood Mages! How someone thought this made any sense is beyond me.Another huge issue with this movie is a ridiculous scene about halfway through involving Cassandra. Anyone who has ever touched Dragon Age Origins knows that Ogre's and Golem's are some of the toughest opponents to take down, involving a party of characters with different skill sets to defeat. Yet, Cassandra takes on about 20 of these creatures by herself without anything other than a cut on her leg to show for it.If that isn't enough to make any Dragon Age fan stare at the screen utterly confused, the climax of the movie involves the writers just throwing in Dragons. Like five of them just showing up to get slaughtered by - yep, you guessed it - Cassandra. She's apparently from a clan of "Dragon Hunters" which is ironic because according to Dragon Age lore, Dragon's are almost never around, making that sound like a pretty useless clan. However, her elite Dragon Hunting skills of "jumping on the back of a dragon and stabbing it," seems to be the only thing needed to fell one of the beasts, making it an interesting thought as to why no other person could easily call themselves a Dragon Hunter and do the same thing.If you're a big Dragon Age fan, go for it, but don't expect to fit this thing into Dragon Age lore (even though Bio-ware claims it is), because this character of Cassandra, who starts with an interesting back story quickly develops into the most far fetched character in the Dragon Age lore.I recommend checking out Warden's Fall on you tube though, pretty neat mini series and definitely more deserving of your time than this.
Finey_McFine This movie is for Dragon Age fans. It's for people who are tired of Kirkwall, who want to see more of the DA universe, and can't wait for Dragon Age III.If you watch this without any previous knowledge of the games, you'll most likely get bored after a while. The story's kinda dumb and predictable, dialog and voice-acting is over-the-top at times. Graphics are decent but won't win any awards.But if you played the games and like the DA universe, the standard reviewing pros and cons don't really matter. You'll be like 'wow, that's that kind of monster I used to kill a lot of' and 'I wonder if any of these characters will appear in DAIII'.So it's true that this movie is pretty mediocre, but still it's nice to see new adventures from Thedas. Bioware has already announced that there won't be any more DA2 content, and DA3 is still a long ways to go, so this movie is perfect to pass the time while we wait.Also, it's set in Orlais, where DA3 will supposedly be set, so it stands to reason that there will be some overlap, also this is just speculation on my part.
Lake Srid So first I'd like to start with saying that I've not played the games and I will not compare the movie to them. The movie wasn't bad but it wasn't really that good either.Graphicaly it was done very well .The animations were top notch and even though they might seem strange in the beginning (atleast the faces) you very soon fall in love with the style. the atmosphere was amazing as well but ... that's just about it. Those were the good sides of the movie. Now for the bad part. The story was nothing special in fact it was very generic and clichéd and unoriginal. The voice acting wasn't that bad , the dialogs were pretty simple and there weren't really any lines to remember from the movie.There were a lot of goofs such as different placing of the characters and different lenght of the surrounding objects or distances. As a conclusion , the movie wasn't that bad but it was also not a great movie that would be remembered very long or even at all. It's interesting to see the animation style but the rest is nothing special.Kind of disappointing actually because of the cliché plot .