Premium Rush
Premium Rush
PG-13 | 24 August 2012 (USA)
Premium Rush Trailers

In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
areatw Imagine a 90 minute long car chase, but with a bike instead. That's practically what 'Premium Rush' is, and it's just as tedious as it sounds. There's usually a good reason for why some things have never been attempted before, so I don't know why they didn't take the hint that a bike chase movie wasn't wanted or needed.The end result of this silly idea is a boring, repetitive and crappy little action flick. It's just about watchable, though the setting of New York city helps enormously with that. The story, the bike chases, the script... very uninteresting. 'Premium Rush' was never going to be good. A bad idea for a film and an equally bad end result.
Forever Spn It is like that book that which you pick up, you cant put down, not even for a second, until you finish it. Except in this case, you cant even look right or left or you miss an important happening. This movie doesn't have a single boring scene! The reason most people have given it a low rating must be because of the simple story, but sometimes a simple story is told with such suspense and artistry, that it makes a movie "perfect". The acting, of course, is flawless too. Another reason why I think people must have given it a low rating must be because it may seem a bit unrealistically childish at some points, but then there was no line put at the start of the movie claiming that the story narrated is a true-life story. I think, it is a different movie and is so grasping, while being so simple.
Python Hyena Premium Rush (2012): Dir: David Koepp / Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez, Jamie Chung, Wole Parks: Fast paced action film about adrenaline and it never stops. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a high risk bicycle messenger who is given possession of an envelop for which has him threatened by a cop and on the run. The envelop contains a ticket that can benefit an Asian student who seeks to get her son and mother into America. While action fans will love this film it still seems to find delight in risks that involve violating traffic or possibly putting people at risk. This nonsense is often applauded but the hero has heart and the screenplay throws in one curve after another. Gordon-Levitt plays off the need to take life as a series of chances while thinking fast to outsmart several factors attempting to halt his delivery. Michael Shannon steals every scene he is as a cop on the wrong side of the law. He has anger issues and owes a large debt for which this ticket could erase. Dania Ramirez plays Gordon-Levitt's ex-girlfriend whose roommate is the Asian student in question. She is also a bicycle messenger and assists her ex when she learns the truth. Jamie Chung plays the fearful student who has saved cash for two years in order to be reunited with her son. Wole Parks plays Gordon-Levitt's rival in the bicycling across the city business and they share several scenes filmed well back and forth in pursuit fashion. This is all very pointless but director David Koepp maintains a lightning pace and speed action via bikes that are often too creative. This is ultimately satisfying over the top rush on its own. Score: 8 / 10
nukfan This is a prime example of an action movie made by people who truly know the craft. The film is for the most part lightning-quick and visually pleasing, the characters aren't incredibly deep, but acted well with all the necessary tropes, and amidst it all, there's something at stake.The filmmakers don't try to sugarcoat anything with respect to character development; Joseph Gordon-Levitt's "Wiley" is introduced as a likable guy doing a job because he loves it and isn't seeing eye to eye with his girlfriend, but thankfully there's no melodrama.Other than that, we're given a villain who is easy to dislike with his pathetic, slimy personality. These components, combined with the value of the envelope Wiley must deliver actually make the movie fairly intense at times, though it's always at least fun. There's a definite sense of humour as well.Only complaint is that there are moments where the pacing kind of drags relative to the rest of the film when the bikes aren't involved. Easily overlooked.