Angels in the Outfield
Angels in the Outfield
PG | 15 July 1994 (USA)
Angels in the Outfield Trailers

Roger is a foster child whose irresponsible father promises to get his act together when Roger's favourite baseball team, the California Angels, wins the pennant. The problem is that the Angels are in last place, so Roger prays for help to turn the team around. Sure enough, his prayers are answered in the form of angel Al.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
andrew-repko I think it should be mentioned that Roger's Dad gets a bad rap in this film. Maybe its the way the filmmaker wanted to tell the story, but we all know that this movie would have never had a happy ending for both the Angels and Rog (and JP!) if it wasn't for Roger's Dad. Some may look at it as if Roger's Dad was giving up on his son. I look at it quite the opposite. I believe he was giving his son the tools to be truly great and in doing so summoning the gods/angels to help lift a major league baseball team. Think about it, if Rog's dad never gives him the False Hope (Motivation) that he will take him back when the Angels win the pennant, the Angels would never had reach the success they did that season. With Rog wishing on upon a shooting star to help ensure that the Angels win the pennant, that wish sealed the fate of the Angels. With out the heavenly Angels, there is no way the baseball Angels win the pennant. There is no way Rog and JP get adopted by Danny Glover at the end. And maybe, just maybe the career of Matthew McConaughy never takes off the way it did when those Angels lifted him up to make an impossible catch. Thus catapulting him to an Oscar winning actor. wow an Oscar winning actor, all from the false hope he provided his son. Rogers Dad, True Hero!
SnoopyStyle Roger Bomman (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and his friend J.P. are staying with foster mother Maggie Nelson (Brenda Fricker). His father leaves him behind after his mother's death telling him that they would be a family again when the California Angels win the pennant. That may as well be when-hell-freezes-over since coach George Knox (Danny Glover)'s team is hopeless basement dwellers. Hank Murphy (Ben Johnson) is the owner. Ranch Wilder (Jay O. Sanders) is the broadcaster trying to get Knox from an old grudge as players. David Montagne (Taylor Negron) is the team's new public relations. Mel Clark (Tony Danza) is the aging pitching star. Roger prays to God for help and angels are sent to help the team. Al (Christopher Lloyd) is head angel and Roger is the only person who can see them.The story is functional but there are a few problems. It's more compelling if a bad team wins because they improve. It's less compelling if angels come and help them. There is less drama that way. There are a few interesting actors as players. Adrien Brody and Matthew McConaughey don't do much. Neal McDonough plays an idiot pitcher badly. He's no comedian. Tony Danza is the bigger star back then. Danny Glover is way too unlikeable. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is quite an actor even as a kid. He keeps the movie interesting for the most part.
Jojevis McLain You know, this movie isn't that great, but, I mean, c'mon, it's about angels helping a baseball team. I find the plot line to be hilarious anyways, this kid's dad says he'll take him back if the angels win the pennant (because he knows they won't) Kid prays to his fake god to help the angels win, god helps the whole time (via the angel Christopher Lloyd, RIP) And in the end, his dad doesn't take him back and rides off on his motorcycle right in that kids face. it's hilarious until Danny Glover adopts it and it's friend.I guess the upside is that the old lady is left alone to die with her stitchin' projects and her stories. The real winner here, though, is god. Because later he got a job as a writer for numerous prank shows.As a kids movie, it gets a 7. As a movie about the mysteries of blind, stupid faith, and the nature of "god," it gets a 10.
Lee Eisenberg I know that actors and actresses like to try different kinds of movies - hey, no one wants to get typecast - but Danny Glover, Brenda Fricker (happy birthday, Brenda!) and Christopher Lloyd should have known better than this. "Angels in the Outfield" is another movie in which everything seems lost until someone or something magically comes and saves the day. Do I even need to tell you how it ends? The movie is just plain lowly escapism (examples of high escapism are the various sci-fi movies from the '50s). If these movies had some political undertone - or at least offered us a new look at life - then they would be OK; this one is just pointless. Far closer to diabolical than angelic. Also starring Tony Danza, Adrien Brody and Matthew McConaughey, and I suspect that they don't wish to stress this in their resumes.