PG-13 | 19 October 2000 (USA)
Bedazzled Trailers

Elliot Richards, a socially awkward IT worker, is given seven wishes to get the girl of his dreams when he meets a very seductive Satan. The catch: his soul. Some of his wishes include being a 7 foot basketball star, a wealthy, powerful man, and a sensitive caring guy. But, as could be expected, the Devil puts her own little twist on each of his fantasies.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Python Hyena Bedazzled (2000): Dir: Harold Ramis / Cast: Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Orlando Jones, Frances O'Connor, Brian Doyle- Murray: Title represents disbelief when expectations are not met but it falls short on its knowledge of Satan. As played by Elizabeth Hurley he is likable particularly when Hurley expresses affection for Brendan Fraser in the conclusion. Satan loves nobody and delights in seeing humanity fall apart. When a female co-worker ignores him he says he would give anything to have her. Hurley appears and willing to grant three wishes in return for his soul. Deceit infects plans as when he asks to be rich and she turns him into a drug lord. Conclusion is no surprise with bogus setup and repetitious storytelling. Inventive directing by Harold Ramis but this is a set back in comparison to his Caddyshack, Groundhog Day or National Lampoon's Vacation. Fraser is funny and given challenging material as he struggles to find the catch to each wish. Hurley gives faults impression of Satan in the film's biggest flaw. Frances O'Connor as the fixation is seen in different setups for which wish Frasrer makes. Orlando Jones is also featured in this visual lunacy. This is not a pleasant comedy like some of the other ventures that Ramis has done. The Bible teaches that in God's presence Satan flees, which is what viewers should do at the screening. Score: 5 / 10
Jellybeansucker Big fan of original and thought I wouldn't like this because of that, but when I eventually saw it, I liked it. It restyles the wishes for a modern day audience and they were mostly very funny. My favourite was the sensitive boy, the funniest by a long way. The two dogs named Dudley & Peter was a nice little nod to the innovative original too.Hurley was surprisingly good in her role and having a Brit starring in it was a the right thing to do. Frazer is a very good versatile actor, always good at comedy. It's more OTT than the original and it didn't last the distance quite as well, notably sagging in the last third, I thought. The script is funny but not subtle and witty like the 67 film. That script had a lot of Peter Cook gems in and is worth watching just to see a different type of humour.The remake didn't murder it at all, like some have wrongly said. It was a quite different version of it for more in your face modern tastes. Stands up on its own well if you didn't see or want to see the original, making it a worthy remake project. Thought it missed a trick by not including the seven deadly sins in person as the original did, one of my favourite scenes of the 67 film, however it helps make both films quite different watches. Just choose the version to suit your mood.
Girish Gowda Elliot Richards (Brendan Fraser) is a socially awkward, geeky, over-zealous man working a dead-end technical support job in a San Francisco computer company. He has no friends and his co-workers are always avoiding him because of his banal and embarrassing attitude. He has a crush for more than three years on his colleague, Alison Gardner (Frances O'Connor), but lacks the courage to ask her out. After Elliot is again ditched by his co-workers, at a bar while trying to talk to Alison, he says to himself that he would give anything for Alison to be with him. Satan (Elizabeth Hurley), in the form of a beautiful woman, overhears him and offers to grant Elliot seven wishes in return for his soul. If his wishes weren't going the way he wanted, then he could give her a call by dialling 666. Obviously, it doesn't go his way.Brendan Fraser plays a Mexican drug lord, an overly sensitive guy who cries watching sunsets, a dumb basketball pro, a suave and smart gay gentleman and Abraham Lincoln among others. He brings some charm to his multiple roles which in another actor's hands would have been completely insufferable. But, there wasn't enough consistency in the writing where the laughs were few and far in between. It was fun to watch Elizabeth Hurley's Satan who was smoking hot and helped the movie from getting too boring. Her assortment of jobs involved a teacher, nurse, night club owner and others. From a prurient perspective as well as from an entertainment point of view, she was great and looked more like an embodiment of Lust rather than Satan. Though I do empathize with Elliot wanting the love of his life, one can't help but imagine how much more awesome it would have been to have Satan, especially one as ravishing as Elizabeth, as a girlfriend. Frances O'Connor doesn't have much to chew scenery with other than being the standard pretty girl here, though she did make me laugh with her 'I just want a guy who pretends to be sensitive' scene. The special effects are surprisingly not that bad. Bedazzled runs on a one note joke and it gets lame very fast. It does tell a morality tale, but its not too overbearing and the ending is just as goofy and heart-warming as the rest of the movie.5/10
maria-em1905 I know I can't give you some insights about the movie that would mean a lot. Anyway, I think it made the best out of the story about the devil and even though it can't compare to Ma vie es un enfer, it was a nice comedy to watch. Elizabeth Hurley is a great comedian, really. I didn't expect something that good from a model. Along with Brandon, it was a nice dialogue to watch. I would also say each story had its unique insights that I found not too pretentious and just the kind that would make you think about some things in life, but not too seriously. I don't understand why that comedy wasn't unappreciated in its time. It served everything that a good funny movie ought to - nice laughs, fresh jokes, good acting and an interesting story. I enjoyed watching it and I recommend it to everyone, as long as they feel like watching a fine comedy.