R | 16 May 2007 (USA)
Once Trailers

A vacuum repairman moonlights as a street musician and hopes for his big break. One day a Czech immigrant, who earns a living selling flowers, approaches him with the news that she is also an aspiring singer-songwriter. The pair decide to collaborate, and the songs that they compose reflect the story of their blossoming love.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
mchldtsch Rotten Tomatoes gave this a 97% rating which is why I watched this film. It was one of the slowest, go nowhere movies I have ever seen. A total waste of 90 minutes. There is some chemistry between the male and female lead but it, like the movie as a whole, goes absolutely nowhere! Don't waste any of your time watching this trash...Also, the music isn't any good either...
SquigglyCrunch Once follows two people: a busker/songwriter and a young woman with a broken vacuum cleaner. As expected of John Carney, the music is great. And similar to his latest film, Sing Street, he is very aware of that and spends at least a solid 1/3 of this movie in song. Most of the music is heard all the way through, and thankfully the music is good so it makes it just that much easier to sit through. While I didn't like the music as much as Sing Street and I think that it did get redundant after a while, thus reducing its rewatchability, it was still good and it's a soundtrack that I plan on revisiting. As for the writing and directing, both were kind of off and on. While the hand-held camera use was suited to making the movie somewhat more lifelike (like a documentary), it could be somewhat nauseating and difficult to keep up with. The directing also seemed like a cop-out for the often faulty writing that proved to be rather unconvincing and awkward at times. But at the same time the music is well-written and some of the dialogue is really good too. My biggest problem with the movie, however, was Markéta Irglová. Her acting ranged from fine to just plain stale. There were so many points where I audibly remarked on how bad her acting was, despite being completely alone on my couch. The rest of the acting is mostly fine, but she was just so wooden. Her lines were delivered with no emotion or tone or anything whatsoever most of the time. It was as if she was just reading her lines off a nearby sheet of paper. Her best acting seemed to come from when she forgot her lines and stumbled over them, which at the least added some naturalism to them. Overall Once is good, but it's ultimately weighed down by inconsistent writing and directing and some poor acting. Sure the music is great, but as a movie it's okay. It's like John Carney didn't know how to get his music out into the world without performing it, so he made a movie about it and didn't hold back. In the end I would really only recommend the movie to select people, specifically ones who would like the musical aspect.
Pedro Vasco An awesome and simple movie at the same time. I think we can't call it a love story because the characters did not actually fall in love for each other but it's kind of evident that exists "chemistry" between them. At the beginning we expect a love story between them but in the end we figured out that they have other soulmates. She will try to rearrange the things with her husband and he will travel to London in order to enhance his career and to get along with a girl (in the movie we can't understand if this girl is his ex- girlfriend or a very close friend who he love very much but she does not love him).Things i like the most: - Soundtrack obviously - The part in witch he writes and sings (song "Lies" very beautiful song) at the same time he sees a video of his loved one. I confess this part made me cry because we can actually be in his skin and fell what he fells. - When he buys the piano for the girl (a good ending for a good film) - When the girl sings the song "if you want me" that he refuses to write because he thinks is too romantic.Things i don't like: - We did not know if the guy find his loved one in London and if they get together ( it's not the point of the movie but i would have liked to know)A magical movie and "i don't know you but i love you".
bbewnylorac I really wanted to like this film. I feel guilty for not liking it. But it felt over-rated to me. I like how its scenes and dialogue and locations are ultra realistic. It was obviously filmed on a very low budget, in that cold Irish weather. I like how The Guy and The Girl are struggling musicians. But I can't help compare Once to The Commitments. The latter was spirited, smart and sarcastic, and about 5 times better than Once. Once is very earnest and serious - where is that famous Irish humour? Its music is nowhere near as good as The Commitments, and its script and plot is rather dull. To me, there is no sense of tension or passion. I didn't find the songs tuneful and I didn't like the lead guy's voice when he was shouting. It is far more focused on the songs than the story or romance, so it seems more like a band documentary than a romantic film. It's a musos' film. It's far more focused on the guy's feelings than the girl's. Sorry but I won't be watching Once more than once.