Boy Meets Girl
Boy Meets Girl
| 28 June 2014 (USA)
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In Kentucky, a transgender woman and her best male friend lament the lack of eligible partners and step across old boundaries of love and romance.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
leethomas-11621 Indie gem. Authentic small town atmosphere. Superb acting especially from leads. Few movies stay with you. This one did for me. (viewed 9/16)
kinseydude This is the small, independent-film love story that the big studios are afraid to make. Luckily, it succeeds as only a small-budget, small-town affair can.A very well-acted foursome explores trans romance in an small Kentucky town, and the whole thing looks to have been filmed in someone's back yard, with four or five sets, total, but with the acting ability and excellent story line of a poignant and beautiful story. We meet Michelle as a 21-year-old aspiring designer, and only gradually learn of her past as a boy and her transgender journey as a teenager. Jimmy is seemingly her best, straight friend, her buddy and bro, until he realizes he's jealous of Michelle's affection for Francesca. Francesca herself is the daughter of a politician, fiancée of a soldier in Afghanistan, and one-time lover, almost in spite of herself, of Michelle. The soldier, in one surprise, returns from the middle east to marry Francesca, but, in a second surprise, turns out already to have his own secretive past with Michelle.All of this unfolds with bravery and beauty, without a false note and with an affecting ending that never preaches, as it teaches, southern, small-town tolerance. It even has one brief scene of pro-operative, transgender nudity, answering some viewers' questions about the actress, as it lovingly respects the trans* folks among us. It's ultimately too bad more people won't see this amazing little film--it's the kind of picture the big-budget studios _should_ be doing more of.
Irishchatter I say this is one of the most rarest movies I've ever seen because I don't know anyone movie based on a real female transgender. I honestly loved how it shows that regardless of who you are, you are still human. I would badly want to see more romantic films on a transgender girl if the film industry pick up their butts and show more about being a transsexual! Michelle Hendley was absolutely phenomenal at playing Ricky, she just is so talented and an excellent actress out there. This girl should've gotten an Oscar for this because one nomination isn't enough for being involved in the film! I just think it would be ideal to have a film like this shown on cinemas or get LGBT societies in any colleges to show this, it would just bring more popularity to every walks of life and see that there is actually a fantastic film out there!I just want to say, this is the best underrated movie I've ever seen and Bravo to the cast involved, ye guys were awesome!
tracyprell This was the Most Positive and Most Memorable film ever written and produced about a Transgendered girl...Ricky! Writer/Director Eric Schaeffer deserves many accolades for bringing this story to the Big Screen! The film, along with a wonderfully selected cast of characters such as; Ricky played by (Michelle Hendley), Francesca (Alexandra Turshen), Robby (Michael Welch), David (Michael Gallant), Hank (Randall Newsome) Sam (Joseph Ricci) and the rest of the fine cast has brought this important issue to the forefront of society. This film helps to explain to many people on what being trans-gendered is all about! It shows the difficult hurdles and barriers that trans-gendered people encounter in their daily lives. Many people think people choose to be trans-gendered and that is certainly not true. Just like you don't choose to be heterosexual! Your born that way! I will not get into the details of this film, but I can assure you, it's enlightening, funny and very enjoyable to watch! If your trans-gendered or know someone that is, this is the film to see! It will show you that society is making progress in accepting trans-gendered people because of writer/director Eric Schaeffer! Remember, trans-gendered people are human too deserving the same love and respect as any other human being on Earth. I would like to thank all of the actors/actresses and the entire film crew and the many others involved in putting together such a beautiful, funny, and loving film! I also would like to personally thank my friends Eric Schaeffer, Kathleen Sheehan, Elisa Pugliese, and Paul Tabachneck for their hard work, dedication and unwavering support to the trans-gendered community! I hope Eric writes many more films like this! He is an excellent writer/director and actor!