Anatomy of a Love Seen
Anatomy of a Love Seen
NR | 28 July 2014 (USA)
Anatomy of a Love Seen Trailers

A film within a film that explores love in all its painful and messy glory. Six months ago Zoe and Mal fell for each other while filming a love scene, which led to an intense, whirlwind affair, followed by a devastating breakup. Soon after their split, things get complicated when the two have to meet on set once more to re-shoot that fateful sequence.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
soakingintheocean I didn't know what to expect and I decided to watch it mainly because the plot seemed to be very cheesy and romantic but this was not what I got. I ended up really enjoying the movie but not for the reasons I expected to (see; cheesy plot with a lot of fluff). I was blown away by how much emotions were conveyed by all of the actors (the cast is almost entirely made up of women and all of these actress delivered in my opinion an incredible performance). The dialogues were well written and not at all predictable but what really hit me was how the two actress managed to say so much without opening their mouth. Even in moments were the dialogues were the main focus of the scene the body language never ceased to amaze me. I think that those scenes were the verbal confrontation became really powerful were amazingly written, developed and performed. I loved the scene /SPOILER ALERT/were they were all screaming at each other because I would have never thought that it would have gone that way /END OF SPOILER/. In a way I feel like I can say that a lot of the scenes in the movie had me holding my breath and cry because of how truthfully they were. I need more movies where you can feel like you know exactly what one character is going through even if you've never been there and more movies that leave the path of predictability without necessarily being too extravagant or coming off as unreal. Everything about this movie was real and could be felt.
darth-tobe What this film does have going for it is two very pretty female leads and a quite erotic love scene between them, which also both feature prominently on the cover. The film itself breezes through this in the first five minutes. Then there's a brief montage of relationship and the viewer gets dumped in the middle of *something* going on. What follows is a series of overacted confrontations between the girls in which they grimace and cry a lot and give the viewer extremely vague exposition. A little more context would have been nice, like who the characters are and why the viewer should care about them. All this is annoyingly intercut with shots of extras doing stuff, fragments of irrelevant dialogue - and bits of a subplot between two other characters that is completely redundant. The director (who also played the director in the film) seems to have self-importantly shoehorned herself into nearly every scene. These other bits then feel like mere padding, as if during pre-production it turned out that writing the real meat of the script, giving the characters context and some genuine conflict or tension, was really, really hard. I find that a shame because show business with its egocentric personas, its gossip and also prejudice should have provided a dramatic enough setting for an emotional story about a lesbian relationship between actresses. I've seen the film described as slow but I feel that word does not capture my feeling. There is slow and then there is drawn out. Room in Rome was slow but offered much more in terms of both eroticism and character focus. Mind you, making an 80 minute film feel drawn out is an achievement in itself. For a real relationship drama, lesbian or otherwise, you'll need to look elsewhere.
SB100 I have to say that I only watched this film because the film I intended to watch on Netflix had disappeared. and when I did start watching it, I came very close several times in the first 20 minutes to turning it off. But as it went on and I realised more what was happening it grew on me, and in the apparent messiness some very good acting and some very truthful situations emerged. It's a miniature, but a worthwhile one. It's not erotic, except maybe at the very end, but that is not the point; it's about feelings. The sub-plot of the relationship between the director and her assistant is perhaps more convincing than the main plot, and perhaps more interesting.
MoVienna I am honestly surprised by the low rating of this movie. After checking the rating on a few days ago, I decided not to watch it (though it's available for free on Netflix) - I couldn't sleep last night and thought I'd give it a try anyway, the worst case would be that I'd fall asleep ;) But boy was I surprised - As the critics say, the movie's pace is slow, yes. But what it lacks in speed, it makes up in intensity. Or perhaps the pace causes the intensity, along with the brilliant acting. If I had to summarize the movie in three words, REAL, RAW and RELATABLE would probably be it. Because real life isn't chasing from one plot twist to another. And love can deeply hurt and we might have to spend some time in the same room with someone we have a past with and face those feelings.