If These Walls Could Talk 2
If These Walls Could Talk 2
R | 05 March 2000 (USA)
If These Walls Could Talk 2 Trailers

The stories of three lesbian couples -- who live in the same house at different periods of time -- who are at a crossroads in their lives. In 1961, Edith loses her lover, Abby, to a stroke. Linda and Amy struggle with feminist issues in 1972. And, in 2000, Kal and Fran try to have a baby with the help of sperm donor.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Micransix Crappy film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
kenpogurl I saw this film on the recommendation of a friend. In fact her recommendation was so good, I got the film from Amazon before I'd even seen it and as usual she was so right! The first part is moving, brilliantly acted and very, very sad. You will need tissues for this one. It may also anger you, as it did me! The treatment the old lady receives from the nephew is just appalling.The second part is less sad. I was still moved by it and sad at times but overall it's very good. The sex scenes throughout this movie are very tasteful in my opinion. Very watchable.The third and final part is my favourite. Ellen is such a funny and amazing actress and Sharon Stone is excellent, also. The topic discussed here is very moving, but very well dealt with. The sex scenes are sexy and yet tasteful. They are in no way pornographic as I have heard people say. The story is one that many lesbians can relate to, or maybe will relate to in the future (my self included, hopefully) and the ending makes me cry every time! My only negative point is that it wasn't longer! A full movie about this topic with these characters would be a must-see in my opinion! Perhaps someone should write one?I think the film would be enjoyable to anyone, not just lesbians and it is well worth a look. Enjoy Charlene
Ripshin Well, the first two segments are worth viewing, but the third with Stone and Ellen is pretty lame. Actually, the contrast with Redgrave's story is quite jarring, perhaps emphasizing how self-absorbed we have all become. I would rather have seen Ellen play it straight (pardon), and cut the whole comedy routine. The sex scene is gratuitous - too much information.And, by coincidence, three sets of lesbians happened to live in the same house over the years? I missed the first "If These..." movie - did each episode revolve around abortion??Back to Redgrave......I would love to have seen an entire film surrounding that character.
GothicCabbage This movie is truly one of the many voices of our generation. It shows how love truly conquers all and how nothing can stand in your way. This movie is a set of three short stories of lesbian couples all occurring in the same house in different decades. The first story takes place in 1961. A woman (Vanessa Redgrave) looses her partner of fifty years. To only make matters worse, her partner's family has no idea, and comes in, claiming everything as their own. With the help of love and drama, this story is certainly a tear-jerker. The second story takes place in 1972. A group of lesbian feminists are kicked out of a woman's equality club at school that they helped start. That night, when they go out to a gay bar, they run into a very masculine female(Chloe Sevigny ?sp?). While three of the females reject this "outcast", Linda (Michelle Williams) begins to fall, showing that clothing is not everything. The third takes place in 2000. A lesbian couple (Sharon Stone and Ellen DeGeneres) try desperately to have a baby. This story truly proves that with love, anything can be reached. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves drama, comedy, love, and equality.
mahajanssen I was really touched by the first segment with Vanessa Redgrave mourning the loss of her lover but the other two segments failed to deliver any kind of message. I didn't care too much about the love scenes but I thought they could at least back it up with some real concrete plots. The second segment with Chloe Sevigny and Michelle Williams, both brilliant, however failed to tell me exactly what the lesbians in the 70's had to go through because that was what I really wanted to know by watching this movie. The third segment with Ellen and Sharon Stone did fairly better but it could have been really good if they had emphasised the difficulties lesbian couples face in adopting children. It barely scratched the surface. All in all, I thought the first If These Walls Could Talk 1 was so much better.