But I'm a Cheerleader
But I'm a Cheerleader
R | 07 July 2000 (USA)
But I'm a Cheerleader Trailers

Megan is an all-American girl. A cheerleader. She has a boyfriend. But Megan doesn't like kissing her boyfriend very much. And she's pretty touchy with her cheerleader friends. Her conservative parents worry that she must be a lesbian and send her off to "sexual redirection" school, where she must, with other lesbians and gays learn how to be straight.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
big-gun I'm usually not a person who goes for romantic comedy or romantic drama for that matter. There have been a few exceptions over the years. This was one of them.One evening I was channel flipping and came across But I'm a Cheerleader on the Indie Channel. What the hell, there wasn't much else on so I decided to watch. Natasha Lyonne plays Megan, all-American cheerleader and all around good girl. John Waters fans, Mink Stole plays her mother. Bud Cort (Harold and Maude) plays her father. Suspecting Megan is gay, they stage an intervention with her friends and Mike from True Directions, played hilariously by RuPaul not in drag.The True Directions campus is every stereotype you could imagine. Pink for the girls, blue for the boys among other things. Here, Megan meets Graham (the amazing Clea DuVall) and begins her journey through sexual re-identification or whatever you want to call it. Other faces you may recognize, Cathy Moriarty (Raging Bull), Melanie Lynskey (Rose from Two and a Half Men), Eddie Cibrian (who plays one of the gayest characters in the movie), and Richard Moll (Bull from Night Court).All around, I found this movie campy, silly, funny, touching, a little of everything. When, in spite of the best (or worst) attempts to turn her around, Megan embraces and owns who she is and professes her love for Graham, I was left utterly raw. But in a good way. Three subsequent times I watched the movie and felt the same way. If this movie doesn't touch, you have no heart. For the record, I'm a straight, bearded, tattooed, Republican veteran.
thesar-2 Wow. Who knew one of the greatest gay movies is actually a lesbian film?I absolutely loved, adored and admired this classic tale of forbidden love. It helps that I lived through this era and what the characters of But I'm a Cheerleader had to endure.You see, my parents were the same. While they didn't go as far as send me to Straight (Str8) Camp, they did encourage me to see psychiatric help with my "choice" of this lifestyle. Well, just like this movie's true moral, it didn't help.I am who I am as these people are. And I am not just proud of it because of what others tell me I should be. I am proud to know my true self.Enough about me. This movie was fantastic. Small, yet large. Deep, though light. Funny and bright. The acting was brilliant, the writing dead-on and the direction: perfection. It's a wonder this movie was set to receive an NC-17 just because it showed acceptance towards lesbians.Poor teenage, cheerleading Megan. She's given an intervention when her family suspects she's a lesbian and sent off to "Str8 is Great" camp. There she must learn the steps to becoming "normal again." Of course, in today's age (2013, soon to be 2014) this hopefully isn't as accepted, but back in 1999, parents just didn't know what to do when they weren't promised a married man/woman grandchild.Along the journey in this camp, Megan meets a whole lot of interesting and wonderful characters, each with depth and wonderful stories of their own. She must make the "right choice," i.e. to be true to oneself.I haven't seen this movie in many years and back when I had, I had watched it many times. No matter the number of views, I love it each and every time. The music is fantastic – LOVE the soundtrack. The story, emotions, depth and direction superb. I love the lines, acting, script and all characters. All actors gave their 100% including a fantastic performance from Rupaul, Cathy Moriarty, Natasha Lyonne and definitely Clea DuVall.This is a classic fairy tale with more layers than 17 onions and more fun than most str8 love stories. I truly believe it can be loved and admired by most people, str8 or gay and lessons can be learned from both sides. Truly see this and know how to treat your children so they can become better people.* * * Final thoughts: Years and years later, I would sit in a movie theatre and hear the song: "Chick Habit" but only this time, it would be in the Grindhouse double feature and at the end of Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof. While effective there, I will never remember or know that song by any other reference than: But I'm a Cheerleader.
jfarms1956 This movie, But I'm a Cheerleader is geared for those 16 and older. I don't believe movies should tell us whether or homosexuality is/is not acceptable but this movie does educate us into acceptance. I think the movie could reduce the amount of pink (you are not color blind unless you miss the pink). Way too much pink. The you got the bad thought shocker, The movie set contains vivid solid colors, most pink though. All the pink elicits a humorous mood to the story. No matter who we are in this world, we each have our little something to offer and we each should be accepted by each other. Maybe, that is the ultimate lesson of this movie is acceptance, not just from others but ourselves as well. We are who we are and shouldn't be asked to change what is not in our nature. It is kind of like trying to get a fish not to swim. It's okay for a short movie, they could have shorten 15 minutes. I give this movie three thumbs up.
moi of course It was one of the sweetest lesbian movies I've seen, I love it when the main character is a lipstick lesbian (I guess that counts as a spoiler, so I'd better be careful)so i can relate. The sets are very cute and very, very fifties, as are the costumes. The costumes are fun in that they all match. You cannot be depressed watching this movie, everything is very technicolor and cheery, almost like a cartoon (I watched this when I had a cold and I felt better immediately). I personally think this doesn't deserve the r-rating, the sex is milder than what I see on buffy the vampire slayer, not very graphic at all, the most I saw being a hand on a navel and some pretty serious necking. Maybe PG-13. I highly recommend this to younger watchers, it was very good. Very yummy movie overall.