Jack & Diane
Jack & Diane
R | 02 November 2012 (USA)
Jack & Diane Trailers

The romance between two teenage girls quickly manifests as terrifying, violent and inexplicable.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
M MALIK seriously i am in no mood of a long discussion so i am going to make a short review about this so called terrible lesbian film.i don't know what the makers were trying to prove here but there is no character development at all,zero chemistry,bad script plus what is the story angle about that were wolf who tries to eat Jack in the bed.this movie is horrible it had potential it was going well but as you are in 15 minutes into in things started going down hard for those who are expecting some sex scenes better get ready to be disappointing as there is none in this just unwanted kissing scenes.the story is about 2 lesbian girls Jack & Diane they both makes things complicated for each other.the whole project is so boring i mean it is so hard to sit through but only for the cast hoping things would go better but no Riley Keough did some decent acting as Jack i totally though she was a boy with that haircut but i am angry about Juno Temple this lady is extremely talented but got wasted in this mess of a film her role is awful with addition of lame dialogs why did she signed this up & what was she doing here is beyond me this is a bad career choice.i have seen many lesbian films if you are looking for a nice one try blue is the warmest color it is way better then this nonsense.the directors confusion between a soft core & horror genre led to this failed execution he failed to understood the subject.Overall Jack & Diane 2012 is a waste of time and money my rating is 2/10:Skipp It
deboraey This movie is indeed pure pure crap and no more!All the fuzz as for instance that the monster we saw - and also the meaningless images of some kind of living tissue and hair growing around it - is a metaphor for Diane's sexual feelings and how they increase . . and burst . . . come on give me a break folks! This isn't even a love story . . it's the story of two kind of weird teenagers meeting and spending time together exploring each other and nag and whine all the time . . pf . . I really don't see the point of this movie. . . Why not make a decent lesbian movie for a wide audience instead of this piece of crap . . . it's beyond me!
Augustus Clive Action movies with tons of heads getting blown off and blood bursts don't always have 'points'. Most are just ways of showing action and people say, 'Well, what do you expect?' For some reason there is a double standard in cinema now where a movie, if it isn't a genre, has to have some mind blowing '1984' point. Well, the truth is, people don't care about points. I know people that have written great books with compelling themes and can't get them published. It's all about what people think, what they think they want, and how they sum it all up in the end.Most people will watch 'Jack and Diane' and say, 'That was a big waste of time. There was no point. The acting was weak. Why did I watch that?'Sometimes we take for granted what a movie, or story for that matter is. 'Jack and Diane' is a glimpse. It's a look at a situation that might have happened or could happen. The characters are not developed, because you are supposed to imagine them in your mind or even perhaps see your self in them.The truth is, there was a lot said in this movie: about people, about how we can't see into other people's lives, feel what they feel; how we are closed off and encapsulated and outwardly poisonous to anyone we don't know. There was an over all theme of love and awakening sexual desire. People don't want that stuff, so most will look at this movie and say the usual 'what's the point' People like love stories where a guy gets a girl, where a girl gets a guy and they move in together and have two kids and a dog. People like the thriller where some guy succeeds through unreasonable measure an impossible situation while somehow falling in love and solving his life problems.We like movies where people get shot and cut up; based on true life bs. But, when a movie about two kids loving each other for a brief time, feeling that bud of love in their stomachs and loins, comes out...we judge it to shreds. Juno Temple and Riley Keough did a great job. They acted. There wasn't any big chase scene or gun fight or montage. They didn't give speeches. The dialogue really doesn't matter either. It was just two characters growing emotion. Why can't that be enough for an hour and a half?
Michael_Elliott Jack & Diane (2012) ** (out of 4) This film has been thrown out as a lesbian teen drama, a romantic drama and even a horror drama and while it does try to mix all of those things I think it fails for the most part. The story centers on British teen Diane (Juno Temple) who falls in love with female friend Jack (Riley Keough) and we see their troubled relationship turn into something rather bizarre. I'm really not sure what JACK & DIANE was trying to do unless it just wanted to be one of those indie movies that managed to be all over the place and seem rather other worldly while wanting the viewer to make up their mind on what it's about. I don't think the film was as bad as some of the reviews out there but there's still no question that there are quite a few flaws here. The biggest is that the film just never really makes us care about the characters and this here is the fault of the screenplay. I'm really not sure what writer-director Bradley Rust Gray was wanting to say or do with these characters but they never really come to life. For the majority of the overlong running time I was just sitting there wondering what anything I was watching was supposed to mean. The romantic elements never really work, the drama between the two never works and when the horror elements do show up they just seem out of place. The werewolf creation looks pretty bad but I think this was done on purpose. The horror elements just really seem out of place as if they were added just to expand the market. I did think the director at least made a good looking film and it was certainly professionally done. The biggest draw for me was the two leads and I thought both of them did a very good job. I thought Keough, Elvis' granddaughter, does a very good job in her part and I thought she handled the character well and managed to make you believe her in the role. Temple was absolutely charming in her part and her beauty certainly helped carry the film but she also managed to give an actual performance. With that said, it's hard to know who to recommend this thing to because the film's really all over the map and doesn't really succeed at anything it tries.