R | 08 April 1994 (USA)
Threesome Trailers

At a sizable public college, high-minded student Eddy is forced to room with the slovenly Stuart, but the pair strike up a surprising friendship. When attractive co-ed Alex is assigned to live with the two male students because of her gender-neutral name, a roundabout love triangle ensues. Eddy secretly yearns for Stuart, who wants Alex, but she prefers Eddy. The complex situation leads to sexual experimentation and strained relationships.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Kirpianuscus that kind of comedy who seduce. not for a great script, not for the originality of story, but for characters.each character has the right, subtle , profound portrait. the life as student, with each of its problems, happy moments, freedom expressions and levels of joy are reflected with wise grace. and this remains the basic motif for admire a film who has the virtues of teenager films but it could not be reduced at this level. a good film about friendship and love. and beautiful pledge for the courage to be yourself. this is it.
Cristian Threesome (1994) *** out of **** Directed by Andrew Fleming With Josh Charles, Lara Flynn Boyle, Stephen Baldwin Great comedy drama about three friends who share the room: Baldwin wants Boyle, Boyle wants Charles, Charles wants Baldwin. Strong, decent comedy about friendship, unrequited love and sex. Full of life and well executed. Is not excellent and nothing from another world, of course, but is nothing pretentious as much others. Spectacular performances by all.
no_deadbeats This is one seriously underrated movie. The humor is very clever and mature (compared to say, a Will Farrell style college movie). I love the narration by the Eddy character, it makes this movie so much more. He makes you really feel what he's feeling. All three characters take you on their journey of self discovery, a bit of sexual experimentation that often occurs while in college, and most of all - the painful truth about "How can someone be such a necessary part of one's life one moment, and simply vanish the next?" How true is that?! One should also note the amazing original score by Thomas Newman. He's composed music for a ton of other movies too such as American Beauty, Pay It Forward, Erin Brockovich - just to scratch the surface. I recently became obsessed with finding this music, that is NOT included on the Threesome soundtrack (although the non-original music on that CD is a great compilation, including U2's "Dancing Barefoot" - a phenomenal song). I found it just this week if anyone else has been going crazy trying to find this music. It's on the American Buffalo soundtrack. The first half of the CD the score for American Buffalo score (which is pretty mediocre), and the last half is the original score to Threesome! Anyway, I think all three characters are VERY well played by the actors, even Stephen Baldwin - although I'm sure the role of the obnoxious, sex-obsessed roommate was tailor-made for the guy at that time. I love his and all the characters, and wouldn't change a thing about how they contribute to the three-way relationship that's formed as well as the story line.This movie is also very believable, a quality I love and a quality that keeps me from watching overly melodramatic "classics" like Gone With the Wind. I just don't believe the characters in those types of movies! So if you saw Threesome before and only thought it was so-so, give it another chance. Try to see it with new eyes, and for the love of God, listen to the original music when you can catch it. If you haven't seen it, rent it. You'll be pleasantly surprised. The DVD offers a couple of alternate endings, but I like the one they ultimately chose best. So it's not the happiest of endings, it's an extremely realistic ending. I was left completely satisfied.
ekeby This movie is a charmer. I suspect you have to be American, or have an American sensibility, to fully appreciate this film. I can easily see Europeans wondering what there is to be conflicted about, and I can see people from developing countries finding it a depiction of something that could never happen. Believe me, it can and does. The three young actors, all now much better known for other roles, play characters who will seem very real to you--especially if you can remember back to the sturm and drang of your college years.The dialog is as sharp and clever as anything you will hear anywhere. There is a scene where a naive girl, who has been brought to a threesome dinner party by one of the boys, flees the room in tears. Alex (Lara Flynn Boyle) gives a raucous, malicious laugh and then says dryly, "I like her." It's a stunning moment, and drop dead funny.I hope this film eventually gets the attention it deserves. It is seriously neglected, certainly one of the most entertaining movies of its decade. In the gay community, this movie seems pretty much unknown. Which is a shame, because a gay audience would really get this movie.