After Sex
After Sex
NR | 19 February 2008 (USA)
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Sex is a background to examine intimacy and vulnerability. Looks at the complexity of modern day relationships told through eight separate couples. Through dialogue and compromising situations, the film takes us from the beginning of a relationship to the aftermath of one, and examines every stage in between seeing humor within the drama, heartache and confusion of it all.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
johnbrown-52968 Well I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say but this was a great film for the guys wanting some alone time. The sequence with Mila Kunis is better than most stuff you download while fearing what viruses will be included. Certainly not for prudes but anyone else will love it. Forget the hidden meanings and relationships blah blah and get the Kleenex ready.
Des I. Have not watched such a stupid movie for a long time! The characters (with few exceptions) are totally annoying. Do not waste your time - there is no story, no plot, nothing. It is just some random dialogues that leave you guessing what will happen afterwards, but guess what - there is no afterwards, as the movie jut ends like that, without any development or anything. I did not get the whole idea of this thing, or was it actually anything to be gotten?! I know some people want to just make a movie and look abstract and interesting, but guys, you have to at least come up with something that is actually worth enough to keep the audience. The only reason I watched it till the end was because I supposed something will develop, but alas...
Leonard Moore I think the best sequence was the one with Mila Kunis and Zoe Saldana. Unfortunately, for some reason, the ending was cut. Not only did the ending complete the sequence, it was by far the most sensual, and interesting part. It was also one of the most erotic verbally descriptive scenes I have ever heard. It was from Zoe to Mila. It was so sensual and erotic, that part of it had to be whispered. My words are not doing it justice. This next sentence may merit a "Spoiler Alert." After Zoe's deeply moving erotic "words," Mila's cold character (Nikki) just melted and then admitted " You just made me so f….. wet"Fortunately, this fantastic "Unseen Director's Cut" was picked up by YouTube, and can be viewed on YouTube under "Mila Kunis and Zoe Saldana in After Sex (Unseen Director's Cut). It's too bad that everyone who watched that film won't get to see this: The best part of the best sequence of the entire film (AND THEY CUT IT!). Sorry, it infuriates me to think that they could do such a thing. Whatever the reason (It wasn't language, because the language was consistent with the language throughout the sequence), it wasn't good enough. Just my opinion!Oh yes, YouTube has both the complete version and the incomplete version. Be sure you select the "Unseen Director's Cut."
horvathistvan-59 I think the best part of the movie definitely belongs to the part of Zoe Saldana and Mila Kunis, as quoted by another user. I was open to sexual experimentation and practice, as I had done so in my younger days 30 years ago. But, despite of experimenting, none of those experiments in sexual practices had swayed me from being my true and real sexually oriented self, a heterosexual man who likes women. On this note, I approve of sexual experimentation and the best example of this I saw with the characters of Zoe Saldana and Mila Kunis whose lesbian sex discovery was both amusing and also fun to watch with their conversation and dialog amidst their sexual experiments. Particulerly, I thoroughly enjoyed the scene in which Mila Kunis asked her Zoe: "How does pussy taste like?" In answer to her query, Zoe Saldana spread her legs and pointed to her crotch! I think this was the best scene the movie has and it deserves recognition for it, as well for the openness and candid view about Sex since Dr. Kinsey.