Celebrity Sex Tape
Celebrity Sex Tape
NR | 02 February 2012 (USA)
Celebrity Sex Tape Trailers

A group of college nerds secretly record a washed up celebrity having sex and post the tape on the internet. When the publicity revives the actress's career, every B-list celebrity, reality show reject, and celebutante in Hollywood want to star in the guys next "production."

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
GazerRise Fantastic!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Alexander Ross Not much to say about this truly : run , avoid, don't buy and don't even think to expect some shock value from this other watered down, Asylum almost fake movie! Why a fake movie? Because this little Studio is dreadfully unprofessional: They keep on using unexperienced people in order to put on the market ( and God only knows how!) a stream of non movies , just a bunch of assembled scenes terribly cast, badly written and worse filmed while using titillating covers to market these sad disasters as guilty pleasures type of movies, but they aren't even bad, at the end , and that is if you will ever even make it nearly there, you will be left only with that bitter guilt feeling of having spent your money and time, trying to uselessly make sense of the trite garbage they do present you with and nothing else but a sense of frustration could just make your night even a worse missed opportunity! I truly resent any type of explicatively bad filmmaking, but, I love all genre and cult movies, here there is just nothing like it, just a pretense, some sort of scam, and it's time to say no to it! My opinion : wanna try it and watch it for yourself? Go ahead! Don't forget i had warned you!
BlackJack_B The Asylum's Celebrity Sex Tape is the most offensive, politically incorrect and sexist film I've seen in some time. It's clear that the filmmakers set out to make an offensive film and they succeeded in spades. That said, it's not bad provided you watch it in small doses.5 young men of various races (including a Chinese boy who has all his dialogue subtitled) somehow get a washed-up celebrity to bed one of them and they record it and put it online. It becomes a sensation and this causes some shady boss to threaten them with extortion. They have to earn $500,000 in a month or else he'll press charges. They create more sex tapes and the boss then tells them they will have to accept only "his" clients.All but one of the boys partake in these videos, the exception is one boy who wishes to lose his virginity to his girlfriend and not some stranger.CST is chock-full of female nudity. So much so it borders on overkill. The script is very weak, relying on profanity 50% of the time and it has that low-budget look that The Asylum movies always strive for. Regardless, it serves as an indictment for our celebrity driven society and how the famous can't live life without said fame once it's gone and will do anything to stay in the spotlight. There's even a wicked twist ending to boot.Certainly not for everybody but if you're looking for raunchy fun, it's worth checking out at the home for The Asylum's product.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Right, "Celebrity Sex Tape" is definitely not meant for an audience that I am part of. This is one of the most boring and ridiculous movies I have had to suffer through. Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, as I gave up half way through the movie. I gave up out of sheer boredom and because the movie was nothing more than an outlet to show off nudity and stupid sex scenes.I am sure that if you are about 18 years old and just coming of age, then you might think this is a great movie, for for anyone just a tad more grown up and mature, this is nothing more than a waste of film reel.The story is about a group of young people who make a sex video of some semi-famous celebrity. It gets uploaded to the internet and becomes and overnight sensation. The manager of the celebrity shows up and blackmails the young guys for $500.000 which is due in 30 days. What do they do in order to raise the money? Find washed-up has-been celebrities and promise to revitalize their careers if they have sex on video.Well, I wasn't amused one bit by this storyline, and to be honest I found it super boring and immature.I will say that for the acting, then the people they had cast for the roles were doing good enough jobs. But the Asian stereotyping was just offensive to everyone, even non-Asians.I just simply gave up just before halfway through the movie. And if you are a fan of proper cinema, then avoid this movie at all costs. It is perhaps your kind of movie if you are in high school or college, or if you just think these no-brainer movies qualifies as entertainment.
Dominic Nwogu The movie was awesome, far from boring, i'm not an expert on directing and producing but the script and crew was original, every actor fitted their part and there wasn't any over acting. I like the nerd turn porn star thing, its just not reality but its original. I will definitely watch this movie again in all honesty. The directing to me was brilliant, the script flowed. The nerds are definitely actors on the come up, Colbert Alembert acting to me was excellent, he portrayed a nerd in its true form and the wardrobe all fitted the script. It just proves that it is possible to make a good film on a not very large budget, all it takes is to put some serious thought into the script,casting, producing and directing. I just couldn't leave to go to the John, it kept me laughing to the end, cool dudes.