Better Than Sex
Better Than Sex
| 12 October 2001 (USA)
Better Than Sex Trailers

After a one-night stand a couple is faced with the terrifying possibility of what they really want.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Executscan Expected more
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Lea Greenall To be honest I cant get enough of 'Better than Sex'(BtS). I was thoroughly disappointed when the end credits began to roll. Since I viewed it on cable TV, I flipped a channel and watched it all over again. I hold very few movies in such an esteem to rate them 10/10. But BtS is definitely one of those rare diamonds.BtS is a very intellectual and honest look at the dynamics of the one night stand, the following passion, the possibilities of more. Seen from both the male and female perspective it's so engaging to see and feel the raw honesty. As a male I was constantly agreeing, laughing, nodding and completely understanding Josh's (David Wenham) position with his actions and thoughts. I so loved the balancing female - Cin's (Susie Porter) perspective. I felt this was how it really is. BtS is an optimal example of reality.From the initial meetings to the scared first steps, the initial sex to the first words the next day, the progression of knowing nothing to seeing the unfolding of a relationship not yet defined and blossoming. The doubts, insecurities, the ensuing pointless fights, walking out then making up. The development of passion and the emotional content that creeps in uncontrollably is magnificent in its simplicity and handling.As an audience I became so drawn to the characters. I felt in tune with David Wenham's Character and was left with a crush on Susie Porter. This movie is all about character, development and that proverbial 'human condition. So basic I would assume it was filmed on a shoe string budget, but you never know it. The cinematography, camera angles, accompanying music, the introspective and intermittent 'interview' style was perfect. The sex scenes are tasteful and never 'dirty', the chemistry was electric between Josh and Cin.I am not usually a fan of pure Australian film. But BtS showcases how an intellectual, witty, and powerful character driven story tackling a very real plot should be done. A definite movie to get... a saucy, raunchy and potentially winner of a movie to see with a new partner. However be warned, BtS is clearly marketed for adults that demand that bit more depth in the intellectual and honesty stakes.A challenge: Try not to fall in love with either one or both of David Wenham or Susie Porter and their characters. And I bet you will love the Taxi driver :D
zasaiko I think that every boys/mans and women in the world should watch this film...because it 's quite true...and you will learn a lot about the opposite sex;) it's also quite original in the way it is filmed, the have a lot of different point of views which are quite representative ...I'm speaking about women's point of view, of course...and i wonder if it's the same for boys. it may be not famous but it's worse to see it, believe me! Watch it either in couple or with doesn't matter as u can speak about it together! I've seen it with a friend, we had a lot of fun...than I saw it with my boyfriend, it was interesting...
Spleen It's always instructive to watch films released no more than a year apart, tackling an identical subject, with many ideas in common, yet made in different countries and causally unrelated: take Australia's "Better Than Sex", and France's "A Pornographic Affair". It hurts to say it, but the French completely outclassed us. (AND they got in first.) But you don't have to see the French film to work out what's wrong with this one. English critic Cosmo Landsman put it best: "There's nothing here you couldn't learn by reading 'Cosmopolitan'."I have nothing against 'Cosmopolitan', but before starting work on a project like this you must decide if you wants to create a "How Compatible Are You?" quiz, or a work of art; its one or the other. They bathe the paper on which 'Cosmopolitan' magazines are printed in a kind of aesthetic disinfectant, and this film has gone through a similar process. The acting is good. It's the one feature of Australian films... And, I should admit, there's enough real humour to make it all wash down easily. But I got the uncomfortable feeling afterwards that I hadn't seen a movie at all. The taxi driver, who could have been a delightful fantasy element, was instead an embarrassingly naked cop-out, and that's what the device of interviewing the central protagonists turned out to be, too. Two films handled it much better: "When Harry Met Sally", and the French film. There was a point to the device in both cases. In "When Harry..." it's an outside-the-narrative device, placing the two central characters in the context of a larger world; in the French film, it's an INSIDE-the-narrative device, letting us know that the central characters have since reflected on the past. In "Better Than Sex" it's just a clumsy extravagance.
Bil-3 Dry Australian romantic comedy about a couple who start off as a one-night stand and end up soaked in romance. The whole film takes place in the girl's apartment, watching them trying to go their separate ways after every bout of raunchy sex but constantly unable to part. The nudity and sexual content will shock some, but for those desensitized like me it will just show through as a director's way of disguising the fact that he doesn't have a very interesting story to tell. Susie Porter and David Wenham as the couple, however, are very fresh and enjoyable to watch.
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