Sex Drive
Sex Drive
R | 17 October 2008 (USA)
Sex Drive Trailers

A high school senior drives cross-country with his best friends to hook up with a babe he met online.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
brumblezz5 I've given this 8 out of 10, but it qualifies as an 8.5 in reality.American Pie are funny but really only get a good 7.I have to agree with some of the previous comments - this film is grossly underrated by the critics. But it should always be remembered that no one saw the original Die Hard, or Shawshank Redemption at the cinema, everyone saw those classics on video and I reckon that this will be that kind of film.Watch it right to the end (and I mean all the way to the end of the credits). You'll walk away saying "I'm glad I watched that". (well, apart from THAT out-take!)
donmunk321 Comedies can often focus too much on crude jokes and innuendos rather than characters and plot but this had a decent mixture.Quite a simple story really, about desperation to fit in and feel normal plus finding yourself a bit of happiness.All the characters are well acted and you can really relate to those personalities in the story. You begin to feel for Ian but also care for Felicia and Lance. The side characters are also quite amusing and help make the laughs and balance out the plot. His bullying brother was great, loved Seth Green in it and the vengeful boyfriend.Overall its pretty funny and actually got a nice sentiment behind the story, not just another sex film but there's these things called feelings involved (Yes I had to check the dictionary for feelings, they apparently are quite normal to have them) which make the story quite engaging.Would definitely watch again.
chilinguist This is my very first movie review, but I enjoyed this movie SO much that I felt compelled to write something - after reading so very many reviews on IMDb.Wow. It just got cuter and made me smile again in the last moments before the final credits(because I didn't even 100% finish the movie before giving it 10 out of 10.) This movie isn't for all audiences, but if you enjoy humor about sex then you should enjoy this movie. The cast is really great and I laughed so many times. I haven't enjoyed a movie THIS much in a long time. Aside from the caveat that it's not a movie for younger children due to the constant sex jokes ("Sex" is one of the two words in the title, so one really shouldn't be surprised.)I expected so little from the movie, but was quite pleasantly surprised. It's not a "serious" movie, and it won't change the world, but I couldn't have hoped for more from a comedy about teens and sex...
NorthernSoulGuy A pathetic movie, a complete waste of time and money, I'd rather watch paint dry. The characters are so unlikely and their actions even less so. The plot is so thin it's translucent, after 20 minutes the end was already known. Watching the last 30 minutes was like having a bad toothache. Sorry I'm sure there was talent somewhere around pity it didn't make it to the screen. A road trip movie can be a good one there have been several, a shame this is not one of them. Some of the characters are so unbelievable your attention wanes hoping that somewhere there may be a story. I can only hope that the writers and producers can find work elsewhere.