R | 08 October 2010 (USA)
Cherry Trailers

Ivy League Freshman, Aaron Milton (17) gets a different kind of education when he falls for Linda (34) a vivacious former wild-child who has returned to college to straighten out her life. The curriculum gets more challenging when Aaron meets Linda's sarcastic 14 year-old daughter, Beth - who quickly develops a crush on him. The math doesn't work in either direction but the dysfunctional triangle becomes a learning experience for all involved.

Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
stabone2 Cherry has everything that an indie teen rom-com should have, yet the first half of the movie lacks a real attention grabber. It took me a good 45 minutes before I found myself truly engaged with the film. Other than that, the movie successfully affected me in a way any indie rom-com should. Personally, i believe this is due to the stellar cast and supporting cast. Not to mention, the writing was brilliant as well. Britt Robertson stole the spotlight no matter what scene she was in with her complex, yet intriguing and lovable character. Robertson truly proves herself as an actress in this movie and Laura (Linda) plays the messed-up mother character impressively. It's a movie that every teenager can relate to and doesn't exclude any vital part of growing up and going to college. Nevertheless, Cherry is a heart-warming and interesting film thanks to the writing and exceptional performances. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has a few hours to kill and wants to shed a few tears!
TxMike Saw this on Netflix streaming movies, it was one of the recommendations based on my rating of other movies. The title has at least a couple of different references but one is the young student's virginal status.At 20-something Kyle Gallner plays 17-year-old college freshman Aaron. It is an Ivy League school but was actually filmed in the Kalamazoo, Michigan area. He has been admitted to an advanced program with scholarship and starts out as a very serious student. But that changes quickly when in art class he meets a very friendly student, 30-something Laura Allen as 30-something Linda who, it turns out has a 14-yr-old daughter. Britt Robertson, about 20, is that daughter Beth. Aaron quickly gets attracted to Linda, who it seems is just enjoying his company, while Beth soon falls in love with Aaron. That sparks most of what happens the rest of the way. Including Esai Morales as Wes , the cop that wants to marry Linda who isn't being a very good mother for Beth. The movie is not a comedy but there are many funny parts, as reflective of real life. Aaron gets very distracted from his school work, falls behind, gets some bad grades, and after an auto accident his parents show up. He is in danger of losing everything he has worked for.Different, somewhat quirky story, I enjoyed it.
come2whereimfrom You know those great little indie films from the states like 'Junebug', 'Thumbsucker' and 'World's Greatest Dad' to name but a few, well now you can add to that list 'Cherry' a charming coming of age human nature piece that each and every one can in some way relate to. It's a simple enough story, Aaron leaves home to embark on his freshman year and falls for an older student Linda, Linda a recovering alcoholic has a wise cracking, old before her years, daughter called Beth, Beth falls for Aaron and a bizarre unrequited love triangle opens up learning curves, home truths and life experience for all three. The great thing about this movie is the quality of the script, the acting and the use of music, no CGI or special effects are needed to convey the very real story contained. It has ups and downs, laughs and gasps and at an hour and a half is perfectly paced. Without sounding twee or patronising if something like Transformers is a beer then this is a nice cup of tea and a sit down, which is no bad thing, some blockbusters feel like being repeated hit in the face with laptop but sometimes you just need to be told a good solid entertaining story, Cherry is just that. I just hope lots of people get to see this film because it deserves it.
jcwjcw This film was full of surprises. It is nothing like you expect, and I hail it as the religious textbook, or should I say "video" book of our future generation. Well, maybe, not that exactly. However, I frequently look at Hollywood films (frequently reminded), and I tell myself, "why did they get Oscars? I hate this trash!" So now, recently I have been looking at independent films, such as "Cherry." After watching Cherry, I can honestly say that ALL Hollywood filmmakers MUST and should be required to take acting/filmmaking lessons from the filmmakers of this movie, Cherry. I say this, because this movie is done on a level of power that will only be available in the future. Enough said, I "Cherrish" this movie! oooooooh!