Tangled Ever After
Tangled Ever After
G | 13 January 2012 (USA)

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The kingdom is in a festive mood as everyone gathers for the royal wedding of Rapunzel and Flynn. However, when Pascal and Maximus, as flower chameleon and ring bearer, respectively, lose the gold bands, a frenzied search and recovery mission gets underway. As the desperate duo tries to find the rings before anyone discovers that they’re missing, they leave behind a trail of comical chaos that includes flying lanterns, a flock of doves, a wine barrel barricade and a very sticky finale. Will Maximus and Pascal save the day and make it to the church in time? And will they ever get Flynn’s nose right?

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Tangled Ever After" is a nice little add-on for those who enjoyed the Academy-Award nominated feature starring Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi. Without having seen the original film, it's pointless to watch though, but why would you. It's directed by Greno and Howard again and also features the voice cast from the film, although they don't really have that much to say. Basically, in these under 7 minutes, we follow the two main characters's BAFFs (best animal friends forever) trying to get back the wedding rings for their masters. Hands down, Gollum couldn't do their job any better. They really give it their best. There's lots of action in here and it happens something new pretty much each second for the entirety of the short film.The good thing about it is that you get to see pretty much every character from the film (Flynn's friends, Rapunzell's family), even if only for a very brief moment. I also liked the lantern reference to the "I See The Light"-scene, one of 2010's finest. The cake ending was pretty funny as well. This short film was published roughly a year after the original movie and though it did not blow me away, it is 7 minutes worth spending.
Fatima Mudhesh This was a short film, a sequel that had the royal wedding. But the lead characters were the horse "Maximus" and the Chameleon "Pascal". The way the rings are dropped and their chase for it. Oh I loved it. I did hope that it should have been a full movie. But nevertheless, it was amazing. I enjoyed it and yes it did maintain the Tangled standard. I did wish it had some songs, since I am still in love with the songs, "I see the light". And some more "I have got a dream". It's a quick but joyful roller-coaster ride movie. I love the colors and details in this and its prequel movie. It's worth watching. And yes I love Maximus' and Pascal's look when they finally get the ring.
Taro Sato This movie is made by Disney.I would like to recommend this movie to you.Everybody can enjoy and relax,because this story is very simple and so colorful and there are a lot of pretty characters in this movie.At first,when you watch this movie,you will be very moved by a bravery horse.The horse is the movie's hero.It works under a Princess.When her wedding is hold on,Her ring is stolen by a frog.And,the horse comes running after the frog to get back it.But,it comes across a lot of difficulties.He does not discourage by these.It calls up all its courage and try it.I was moved.At the same time,it makes us laugh because those difficulties are so fantastic.In addition,I was moved.If I was the horse,I would give up getting back it.And,the music is extreme.It makes me feel uneasy just to listen it.In the end,it takes back her ring.This is a happy ending.This story is very nice.
Munch Kin I adored the original movie, and it ranks as one of my top five favorite Disney movie in recent years. I winced a little inside when I first read about this sequel, having seen how horribly Disney tends to handle sequels to beloved classics of old and new. I decided to check it out though since it would only be six minutes of my time, and I'm so glad I did.The short managed to hold true to the characters from the original movie down to a t, and the graphics are beyond epic for a short cartoon. What I enjoyed most is that it's a great throw-back to the shorts of old, retaining a beginning, middle, and end, yet keeping the slap-stick and jokes enjoyable and just plain fun! The few nay-sayers who reviewed this seemed either too young to remember the old days when the likes of Looney Toons and Hanna-Barbera used to throw in a ripe morsel of entertainment to get us that much more in the mood for the main feature. Either that, or they simply don't grasp the concept of a fun short cartoon built solely for the entertainment value.If you're one of the many who do remember those times though, or if you know just how to have a good laugh and enjoyed the original film, be sure to catch Tangled Ever After. You won't be disappointed!
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