Head Over Heels
Head Over Heels
| 24 May 2012 (USA)
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After many years of marriage, Walter and Madge have grown apart: He lives on the floor and she lives on the ceiling. When Walter tries to reignite their old romance, their equilibrium comes crashing down, and the couple that can’t agree which way is up must find a way to put their marriage back together.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
foodie03 This is a warm-hearted story. A wife and a husband live upside down in the strange house which is flying in the sky. Living separately in the floor and on the ceiling is a great idea because they don't see each other face to face though they live in the same house. I wonder how this house is constructed and flies and why the filmmaker wants to make this film. This film has no dialogue, but it is easy to understand visually. My favorite scene is the ending because I found it interesting that a wife attaches some shoes on the ceiling to see her husband. In this film, a ballet shoes is a key to make a bond with them.
ypandalove This story is that an elderly couple restore the bonds of marital affection. The setting of this film is a little strange, because the couple lives upside down in a house. We can't know the reason why they live like that. The husband walks on the floor and his wife walks on the ceiling. Their house flies in the air and it goes up and down by turns. At the beginning, the couple quarrel about trifles. Their life quite looks inconvenient and it irritates them. One day the husband finds old shoes which his wife worn on their wedding day. He tries to mend and give to her. A good point of this film is how the couple reconcile and how they deepen their ties in a strange situation. I think this film shows us the importance of love and the weight of our connection whatever the circumstances.
spz824690 At first I could not understand their circumstances, the man is being tugged to the sky and his lifestyle is upside sown for some reason or other. Though there are no explanation about explanation about it, I know he would fly through the air like a balloon if he does not use the wheelchair. Their strange way of life attracted me and made me want to know how this movie would end. The interior of the house is unique. For example, the woman finishes using the refrigerator, she moves it to the ceiling by her foot. And the man can use it. There are two kitchens. It is funny that their fried egg are exchanged by tossing them over. This is the one of important scenes that the audience can notice this two's living is very odd. The woman can move in the house and use the furniture as usual as you can. However, the man could not so, so he is riding on the wheelchair that is connected to the ceiling. I thought they are on bad terms with each other at the beginning because they do not have a conversation and never meet their eyes. But I could find they love each other by the scene that they are eager to correct the photo of their marriage again and again. Keeping the photo proves that they are not on the bad terms but they are not able to communicate with each other well. The title of this movie has double meanings. The first is the slang for great love. And the second meaning is literal. This movie embodies the phrase "head over heels". I was very touched by the last scene. I wish they can live happily after that.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Head over Heels" is a perfect example of a short film that is basically good in terms of aspect, but great not really. It is director Timothy Reckart's third work as writer and director and managed an Academy Award nomination, but lost to the wonderful "Paperman". "Head over Heels" deals with an elderly couple whose relationship has cooled down to the extent that basically each of the two are living still at the same house, but also in their own world somehow. The director used gravity to display this. The woman walks on one layer, the man on completely another. It is all upside down. However, during these 10 minutes, the two manage to grow closer again. Sadly, it's quite a challenge to overcome that huge obstacle which became bigger and bigger in the last years. Still, their will and creativity helps them to solve the issue at the end and the two are re-united again. It's a sweet little happy ending, which is probably also the best part of the film. I liked this one, even if the animation style is not really my favorite. Good to see it got some recognition at the Oscars and I hope Reckart can build a career out of that and maybe direct a feature film at some point. I recommend "Head over Heels".