Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)
"Steadfast Stanley" is a 4-minute animated short film from 2 years ago. The writer and director is John Cody Kim and it is his only work so far. The story is about the title character, a dog (Welsh Corgi) who witnesses the apocalypse with everybody around him turn into zombies. But what about his owner, a teenage boy? He is on the lookout for him him during the entire film trying to bring him his shoe. That's all there is to this film, with a slightly emotional ending. I would say the film lacks a bit in story-telling, but for a movie under 250 seconds it is okay overall. Time will tell how this one is perceived, it's a decent start for a rookie filmmaker I guess. I would not say this was great, or even particularly good, but it also could have been a lot worse. With the words at the very end, especially dog owners will relate to it I guess. Everybody else can skip it.